Binzhou listening to the launching ceremony of the province's "Walking in front, opening a new bureau" on theme interview activity

Author:Master Binzhou Time:2022.06.26

On the afternoon of June 24th, the province's "Walking in the front and the opening of the new bureau" was launched in Jinan. The theme interviews will be implemented in 16 cities in the province."Domestic" action progress carried out marching interview reports.The city has set up a branch venue. Ma Junyi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Minister of Propaganda Department, watched the launching ceremony and deployed related work in our city.

Ma Junxuan emphasized that all levels and departments should attach great importance to this theme interview activity, prepare in advance, and form a special class immediately to form a working plan.Interviewing activities, with the help of the four -level media of the Central Provincial and Municipalities, focus on showing the good image of Binzhou, showing the industrial advantages and humanistic style of Binzhou, and expanding the popularity and reputation of Binzhou.

It is understood that the interviewing activities of "walking in front and opening a new bureau" were approved by the Provincial Party Committee and were organized by the Provincial Party Committee's Propaganda Department.The media interview group will be divided into 4 groups to go to 16 cities to conduct marching interviews. In July and August, a number of live broadcast reports, in -depth reports, and media products were launched.

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