In this community in Wuhu, there are almost no traces of property services!

Author:Dajiang Information Time:2022.06.28

"Hygiene is extremely worrying", "pulling the lines everywhere", "the vehicle stopped", "the gate of the community is open for the year", "private car blocked", "property escape problem" ...

This is the message of the owner of Jingjiang Oriental Community in Jinghu District in Dajiang. In addition, the owner has listed the property issues related to the community, which is more than a dozen.

Is this community problem so serious? On June 23, a reporter from Dajiang Information conducted an unannounced visit to the community.

Reporter visits: no traces of property services can be seen

The reporter first came to the west gate on the middle of the Yangtze River Road on the same day. This gate was the main entrance of Jingjiang Oriental Community. The reporter found that this gate did not separate the roads of motor vehicles, non -motorized vehicles and pedestrians. All vehicles and pedestrians were mixed at the same channel. The door was also "frequent". There were no access control measures at all.

Entering the community, the reporter went north to the north. The reporter found that the problem of "vehicle stopped" in the community is indeed very serious: the roads itself are not too spacious, there are not many parking spaces and lack of management. Various cars on the narrow road are arbitrarily parked, making the road more promulgated to narrowly stenosis Essence

The overhead layers downstairs are also full of cars. The vehicles occupy the road and block the exit, making both entry and passing.

At the entrance of the 3rd unit of Building 2, several electric vehicles were "occupied" in and out of the channel.

The phenomenon of "flying line charging" in the community is not uncommon, and the owner commented that "pulling the line charging everywhere" is true.

In the 2nd unit of Building 2 in the community, there are 4 to 5 "flying" wires at the door of only one unit.

The environmental sanitation problem in the community is worrying. Next to the greening of Building 14, all kinds of garbage in single beds, wooden frames, flower pots, bricks, and old cardboards are scattered, which looks extremely messy.

At the entrance and exit of the north side of Building 14, the mop is arbitrarily discarded on the device box. The white foam boxes and snake skin bags are piled together. It is more than one meter high and no one is cleaning up for a long time.

In the overhead floor on the south side of Building 2, foam boxes, garbage trucks, courier boxes, buckets, rain cloths, electric vehicles and other debris almost filled the entire space, and a wolf borrowed on the scene.

In a corner of the Ximen parking lot in the community, construction waste, dead branches, and car pads are accumulated to form a "small mountain".

Destroy green vegetables in the community abound. On the south side of Building 2, next to the Wencai Kindergarten in the southwest corner, the south side of Building 9 and No. 25, the southeast corner, and other places on the south side of Building, and other places on the south side of Building. Various "small vegetable gardens" are endless and all kinds of vegetables are dazzling.

▲ Southeast Corner No. 9 on the south side of Building

▲ Planting vegetables on the south side of Building 2

▲ Next to the Southwest Corner Wencai Kindergarten

The reporter was walking in the community, and the traces of property services and maintenance could not be found. In the north side of Building 26, the loess is exposed, the weeds are clustered, and the desolation comes, making people dare not believe that it is now in summer.

The bicycle was covered with a car cover and was locked on the railing at will.

The trash cans are placed on the side of the road and next to the garbage;

On the east side of Building 25, leaves, vegetables, flower pots, garbage, etc. are scattered.

On the west side of Building 8, the greening was destroyed, leaving only the exposed loess and stones.

This is not the case for the lack of property services and management in the community. On the north side of Building 1, the cargo truck of Bai Shi Express is loading and unloading the cargo (express mail).

There are multiple stores on the north side of Building 8, one of the facades, all kinds of debris accumulation, all colors of garbage, suspected to be a waste purchase station.

The owner is helpless: I don't know what the property is called

The reporter then interviewed some owners in Jingjiang East. They generally expressed "helplessness" to the current status and property services in the community.

A owner told Dajiang Information reporter that the property services of Jingjiang Oriental Community are not planned and have no long -term. They are often "the owner reflects weeds, and the property will be weed. "Perseverance" is even more suspected of perfunctory owners' complaints and responding to superior inspections.

Another owner has described the community as "old, broken, and bad". He said that since he moved to this community eight years ago, "have not changed one grass and one wood, and they have been greened by themselves." Community properties, "just fall down the garbage and rarely see cleaning", you can "enter and exit the community at will 24 hours, and no one cares." At the same time, he said, "I don't know what the property is called", "I can't see the property service staff", "just like) without property."

Wuhu Property rectification and improvement

Public opinion supervision platform opening

Leave a message here.

I hope everyone rationally reflects specific issues, and jointly maintains the beauty, cleanliness, and orderly maintenance of our home.

For large communities that enter different properties, please click on the name of the property company or partition name when leaving a message. Reflecting elevators, the sanitation of the corridor, and the illegal construction, please write the Minglou building number.

资 江 ▍: Dajiang Information Unannounced Team

▍ Edit: Annie

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