State Grid Sichuan Zigong Power Supply Company: "Coal Reform" allows a hundred years to enter the road of green development of salt

Author:Cover news Time:2022.06.28

Wang Luchuan Wenli Cover Journalist Liu Ke Sheng

"Finally used the electric boiler. After the" Coal Reform "project was completed, the cost of making salt has decreased, and the production process is more environmentally friendly. Thank you State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company for helping us run the procedures and ideas in the reconstruction project, and promote the project to promote the project to promote the project. Settlement. "Recently, Ye Fang, head of the energy department of Sichuan Jiuda Salt Liability Company, said, said Ma Xiao, who served the door to the door.

Sichuan Jiuda Salt Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Jiu Da Company) was formerly known as Jiu Da Jing Salt Company established in Tianjin Tanggu in 1914. In 1938, the "salt capital" was forced to move in the "salt capital" in the situation. After more than a hundred years of development, Jiuda has developed into the country's largest and most comprehensive well -equipped salt and salt enterprise group with an annual salt production capacity of nearly 3 million tons.

In recent years, Zigong has deeply practiced the concept of green development and advocated green low -carbon production methods. Jiuda Company uses coal -fired boiler equipment to produce salt, and it has been separated from the road of green development with low efficiency transformation, large energy waste, high production costs, and excessive emissions. The boiler "coal -to -electricity" project is imminent.


Help enterprise green transformation

In October 2019, the "Electrical Staff" team of the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company entered the Jiu Da Company to propagate electricity to replace the company. Facing the concerns and doubts of customers, the "Electric Staff" on the spot calculated it for it: "Production 1 The tons of edible salt needs to consume 300 kg of coal or 300 degrees of electricity. After the electrical energy replace the preferential policy, the energy cost of a ton of edible salt can be saved at least half after using the electric boiler. "

"Is the power supply line reliable?" "How can the preferential electricity price policy be enjoyed?" In the face of real costs, customers have interest and start asking for inquiries. Yang Yunfeng, "Electric Staff" from the Gongjing District Power Supply Center of the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, introduced in detail the relevant policies of the state in "electrical energy replacement" and preferential electricity prices, as well as the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company in optimizing the power business environment and helping "double double Carbon "" targets to go to the ground.

In the end, with the efforts of the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, Jiuda Company, and State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, after repeated communication and coordination, Jiuda Company decided to implement the "2 130 steaming tonnage in the four dimensions of safety, environmental protection, economy, and efficiency. Coal -fired boiler power alternative project ".

The project is located in Jiu Da Salt District, Shuping Town, Zigong City. It is built by Jiu Da Company. The total investment is more than 40 million yuan. The construction scale is 300,000 tons of refined salt per year. Steam -ton coal -fired boiler and two 1.2 MW steam turbine generators. After calculation, the total electricity capacity of the factory area after the operation is about 17,200 kV, and the electricity load is expected to be 14,000 kilowatts and the total electricity consumption of the year is 110 million kilowatt -hours. System, 84 million kilowatt -hours of electricity.

Intimate service

Help to achieve energy saving carbon reduction

After the project is determined to be implemented, the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company immediately established the "Sichuan Jiu Da Salt Liability Co., Ltd. Coal -fired and Coal Reform Electricity Project Assistance Working Group", with the working standard of "excellent processes, excellent speeds, superior services" work standards " , Entering the factory area analysis customer power configuration, production power consumption, and the power of replacement equipment, etc., formulate a power supply plan; multi -party connection, assist Jiu Da Company to observe and learn from the surrounding cities, coordinate the provincial comprehensive energy service company 4 I went to Zigong to investigate and do.

During the construction period, the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company actively planned the supporting power supply facilities in advance, actively do the power grid access work in accordance with the load requirements, and complete two 10 kV special line power supply construction within 60 days; on the other hand, give full play to professional advantages, in order Customers provide higher -quality and efficient services. Special persons are responsible for follow -up project progress, come to the door for electrical energy replacement technical services, intervene in the construction of the customer distribution room in advance, formulate the optimal power supply solution for customers, carry out energy efficiency analysis, and help the factory district scientific and reasonable power consumption.

On May 31, the "Jiu Da" coal -to -electricity project successfully built a charging investment and entered the stage of trial operation. The transformed Shuping Town Jiuda Salt District has become a clean energy factory. The production and use of energy is fully replaced by "coal" to "electricity". It is the first MVR (compressor equipment) ecological technical reform in the entire Southwest region. The maximum MVR (compressor equipment) technology application base has achieved energy conservation and zero -flue gas emissions. The annual consumption energy energy is converted to about 17,000 tons of margin coal, and the energy consumption has reduced 68,000 tons of standard coal and reduced carbon dioxide emissions by about 180,900 tons. At the same time, there will be no other creatures such as exhaust gas, smoke, scum, and ash, which will play a huge role in the improvement of Zigong's ecological environment.

"At present, the" Condition Conditions for Electrical Energy Project Electricity Price Policy "has been submitted to the Sichuan Sichuan Electric Power Company. After the Provincial Energy Administration is confirmed, it will be included in the power market -oriented trading catalog, participating in market -oriented transactions to enjoy the electrical energy replacement preferential electricity price policy." According to Sai Hui, the marketing department of Zigong Power Supply Company.

Jiu Da's "coal -to -electricity" project is the goal of serving the "dual carbon" goal of the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company, helping the "ecological Zigong" construction, and promoting an important practice of the development of green and low -carbon development of enterprises. In the next stage, the State Grid Zigong Power Supply Company will summarize the project experience and use this as a model to strengthen the promotion of electricity can be replaced in key areas, and continue to serve the city's green economic development strategy.

In June, Jiu Da Salt Industry has officially enabled two graphics icons: "clean energy" and "green food formula", and it has officially entered the green development path of salt for a hundred years.

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