Dunhuang: Implementing taxes and fees policy "combined boxing" to help tourism companies relieve difficulties

Author:Dunhuang Time:2022.06.30

In order to support the rapid recovery of the Dunhuang tourism industry, the Dunhuang City Taxation Bureau has worked hard to work on the "reduction of costs, environmental, and solve problems", use the advantages of superimposed taxes and fees, implement a detailed combination of taxes and fees support policies, and continue to relieve tourism enterprises for tourism companies. Difficulties are difficult to help Dunhuang's tourism industry fully recover.

Affected by the epidemic, Gansu Mogo Chonghua Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. was trapped. The Dunhuang Taxation Bureau formulated a "one enterprise, one policy" tax support plan to form a Long Tax Lei Feng team to guide the enterprise to accurately enjoy the preferential tax and fee preferential policies, and the retention of 130,000 yuan to refund to solve their urgency. The person in charge of Mo Gaozhonghua said: "This tax refund is very timely for our enterprise and relieves the pressure of funds. We will use all the 130,000 yuan of funds for the tax refund for the development and construction of the scenic area tour lines, and inject the vitality into the development."

It is understood that the Taxation Bureau of Dunhuang City has taken pragmatic and effective measures to accurately implement taxes and fees, helping tourism companies to relieve difficulties. Through personalized and accurate policy services, tax refunds will be returned to tourism companies in the form of "real gold and silver" to help small and micro -enterprises that need to be supported by capital support. Essence

(Wang Yinling Wang Ning)

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