Sichuan Neijiang Market Supervision Bureau High -tech Zone Branch actively launched a special event for "Safety Production Month"

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.01

June 2022 is the 21st national "Safety Production Month". In order to further promote and implement the theme of the "Safety Production Month" of the "Safety Production Month" of the "Safety Production Law and Be the first responsible person". The main line is to deepen the three -year actions of the special safety production, and actively carry out a series of "safety production month" series of activities, enhance the awareness of national safety, and improve the level of safety management.

Strong theory, the tree is aware of the red line consciousness. The High -tech Zone Branch of the Neijiang Market Supervision Bureau has always adhered to the concept of "life is more important than Taishan, and safety is higher than all". We will stick to the red line bottom line that does not occur, curb the occurrence of major accidents, and effectively protect the people's lives and property safety and social stability.

Strict law enforcement and building a security line. The branch conducts a comprehensive security risk investigation, promotes the comprehensive performance of the main responsibility of various enterprises to fulfill the main responsibilities of production safety, lists the list of hidden risks, and comprehensively implements various control measures. Establish the concept of "hidden dangers is an accident", and in order to "zero tolerance" for hidden dangers, the rectification of various types of safety hazards and hidden dangers of the investors is clearly rectified for major accidents. Rectify the "full closed loop".

Wide publicity, solidify the prevention system. The branch bureau has carried out all aspects of prevention of publicity and warning education activities, conscientiously implemented the relevant requirements of the "five -entry" work plan, and actively carried out activities such as "Safety Publicity Consultation Day" and "Safety Production Sweet City" and other activities, and popularized the laws and regulations of production safety. Promote the first responsible person to perform their duties. Vigorously implement the three -year action plan for deepening safety production, use each communication carrier to focus on push, and vigorously create a strong atmosphere of "caring for life and focusing on safety" in the whole society. In the "Safety Production Monthly Promotional Consultation Day" event, 10 publicity materials were sent through WeChat groups, and more than 600 publicity materials were distributed on the spot, and more than 90 times for the masses answered questions.

(Liu Min and Guo Lun)

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