From July 1st, the 5A -level tourist attractions in Shanghai will be resumed.

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.01

From July 1st, the 5A -level tourist attractions in Shanghai will be resumed.

Xinhua News Agency, Shanghai, June 30 (Reporter Chen Aiping) The reporter learned from the Shanghai Culture and Tourism Bureau on the 30th that from July 1, Shanghai will have more national A -level tourist scenic spots to welcome guests. Among them, four national 5A -level tourist scenic spots including the Communist Party of China No. 1, Two, Four, and Four, will be resumed.

The Shanghai Scenic Area implements the management of "appointments, peaks, and current restrictions", implements real -name ticket purchase appointments, guides to enter the park during the time period, and do a good job of real -time monitoring and early warning and on -site diversion of passenger flow. The Shanghai Cultural Tourism System further optimizes people's appointment for travel and peak travel experience through special services such as "one -bite", "one yard travel" and "one -click express".

The CCP Memorial Hall has resumed the opening of the museum from July 1; the venue implements an online appointment for "real -name system and time period". All audiences (including the elderly, children) need to be one to 7 days in advance to the official "CPC Memorial Hall" official WeChat public account has online appointments. The Memorial Hall of the Second Congress of the Communist Party of China reminds the audience to make an appointment at the "Red Road" and "Shanghai Jing'an" APP in advance. The four major memorial halls of the Communist Party of China reminded that visiting must make online appointments through the "Red Road" or "Leyou Shanghai" platform in advance. The "Red Line Car" supporting the Scenic Area of ​​the Communist Party of China No. 1, Two Congress, and Fourth Memorial Hall will also resume operations from July 1.

The Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, Shanghai Natural Museum (Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Branch), and Shanghai Astronomical Museum (Shanghai Science and Technology Museum Branch), which have also been opened on July 1st, have been deeply favored by parent -child families. From 12 o'clock on June 30, the three venues have reopened the official website and WeChat public account purchase ticket appointment channel. When the audience entered the venue, they needed to show their electronic "with the application code" or the original ID card, and the "digital sentinel" was used for verification.

Oriental Pearl Radio and Television Tower is one of the first tourist scenic spots that Shanghai will resume open on June 1st. First, the opening of some outdoor projects for the scenic area is resumed. The person in charge introduced that smart applications such as "digital sentinel" not only helped the scenic area to implement the epidemic prevention and control, but also allowed citizens to obtain a smooth and convenient tour experience. From July 1st, the scenic area will further open the indoor parts such as the restaurant in the air.

There are currently 134 national A -level tourist attractions in Shanghai. Since June, more and more scenic spots have followed the "Guidelines for Prevention and Control Work of the New Crown Pneumonia in Shanghai (the first edition of 2022)" in Shanghai. " It is estimated that by July 1, there will be about 80 national A -level tourist attractions that will be resumed by Shanghai. The well -known Huangpu River tour at home and abroad will also resume operations from July 1.

【Edit: Wu Tao】

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