Ministry of Ecology and Environment: In the first half of July, ozone pollution and sand and dust weather will occur in some areas in the first half of the month

Author:Hebei Radio and Television Sta Time:2022.07.01

The Ministry of Ecology and Environment released the results of the National Air Quality Forecast Association in the first half of July.China Environmental Monitoring Terminal and Central Meteorological Observatory, National Atmospheric Pollution Prevention Customs Center, Northeast, South China, Southwest, Northwest, and Yangtze River Delta regional air quality forecasting center and Beijing ecological environment monitoring center.) National Air Quality Forecast.In the first half of July, most of the country's diffusion conditions were good, and the air quality was mainly based on good to mild pollution.Among them, due to the rise in temperature, the North China Land, Central East China, Chengdu Plain, Sichuan Basin Land, Shaanxi Guanzhong region and other places may occur in the mode of ozone moderate pollution.Affected by the weather in sand and dust, there may be medium to severe pollution process in Dongjiang and South Xinjiang in Xinjiang.

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