About 700!These places in Shanghai are still closed management. When can they enter and exit freely?Latest policy announcement →

Author:Look at the news Time:2022.07.01

At present, the prevention and control of the Shanghai epidemic has entered a normal stage, and many attractions and indoor venues are opening one after another. However, about 700 pension institutions in Shanghai have implemented closed management from March 10, in principle, it has not been entered in principle, and it has been more than 110 days.

After the treatment of the elderly who went out to the hospital, after the treatment was completed in the hospital, it was difficult to return to the nursing home because it was unable to meet the isolation conditions; the elderly in the nursing home could not meet with their families for a long time and suffered from acacia. At the same time, the staff of the elderly institutions have faced the predicament of unattended high -intensity work to this day.

When people outside want to go in, when will the people think of the epidemic of the nursing home "besiege the city"? Can it be better? The reporter conducted a visit to investigation ▽

The 99 -year -old Sun was unable to return to the hospital after medical treatment

Sun Laobo, who lives in Putuo District

This year is 99 years old

I lived in a nursing home near home

In May this year, the elderly went to the doctor after going out for the disease

I have been unable to return to the hospital

Today, the elderly stayed at home for nearly two months. Food and clothing lived in her daughter -in -law and son -in -law who was nearly seventy -year -old.

The daughter of the older Sun said: "I can't leave him 24 hours a day, about once at night at night, I sleep affects, my husband sleeps, and my husband has high blood pressure."

The son -in -law Sun said, "My wife is 64 years old, I am 68, I have been going up, and I am tired of taking care of the elderly. It is not realistic to take care of it."

Ms. Sun, Ms. Sun, has repeatedly consulted the nursing home.

The nursing home also stated that the cost of the hotel isolation must also bear a little

Considering that my father has been aggressive, Ms. Gao Sun proposed that it can be allowed to let my father go to ordinary rooms after 7 days of separation for 7 days in the nursing home

In this regard, the hospital stated that this plan has been asked to the streets but whether the plan can pass and when it is unknown.

The president of the nursing home said: "If you submit the report to the street review, the street review will be handed over to the civil affairs. The civil affairs will be approved. They will notify me, I will call you again."

It is not a case that is difficult to return like this "nursing home" but it is difficult to return

Ms. Zou's father also has this problem

Ms. Zou's father had previously lived in a nursing home in Pudong in early June and had to go out for medical treatment in early June. After he had had to go to the medical treatment, he could not go back to the original nursing home in the nursing ward of many hospitals.

The staff of a Pudong nursing home stated that according to the requirements of civil affairs, they still cannot return directly to the original nursing home to go to the two nursing homes designated by Pudong Civil Affairs.

As a buffer isolation observation point is full of people's environment, it is difficult to meet the family members' expectations. There are seven elderly people who are facing the same dilemma in the city.

At the same time, nearly 70,000 nurses of the city's pension institutions plus more than 30,000 staff members have been facing the dilemma of unmanned replacement and cannot return home under the full closed management.

Can I gradually let go of personnel flow? Explore more flexible and sustainable management methods?

Just now, the Shanghai Civil Affairs Bureau released the news to make order prevention and control measures such as the inlet and exit management of the elderly (including the elder's care home) in the area where the city is located.

All those who enter the elderly institution must show their identity to confirm their name registration; the body temperature must be measured normally; the itinerary code that must be held within 7 days or stays in the high -risk area within 7 days, and the 24 -hour kernel acidic acid test negative certificate. Those with suspected symptoms are banned.

The elderly returned to the doctor

The elderly who returned to the elderly institution after going out for medical treatment and other reasons should be observed for 3 days in independent areas. During this time, after 2 nucleic acid detection negatives (2 nucleic acid detection intervals of more than 24 hours), they can enter the living area.

For the elderly who need to go out to seek medical treatment frequently, they can live in an independent area in the pension institution and take necessary protective measures to conduct nucleic acid testing daily.

The elderly who returned home temporarily returned to the pension institution for reference to implementation.

New elderly

It must not pass the high -risk areas on the first 7th, and must be held within 7 days before 7 days before the first 7 days before. You can enter the independent area of ​​the elderly institution for 3 days of isolation observation. The interval is more than 24 hours) before entering the life area.

Family members visit

The family members of the elderly institutions adopt the appointment method, and the number of visitors, the number of visits, the visual videos, the viewing route, and the visual viewing area shall be strictly determined by the pension institutions combined with facilities and reception capabilities. When visiting the institution, the visitor should be disinfected by hand, sole and followed items, and wearing a N95 -level mask. The special person in the institution is accompanied by the special area and route to comply with the relevant prevention and control requirements. In principle, the visitors do not enter the living area, and if the situation is necessary to enter, the relevant prevention and control requirements must be implemented in accordance with the second -level protection requirements.

Family members must be disinfected by the staff after disinfection of the staff and recorded them.

Pension staff

Staff who do not contact the elderly in the institution

There are no central risks in the streets where the residence is located, and those who do not belong to the relevant risks involved in related risks, and enter the pension institution with 24 -hour nucleic acid detection. Relevant staff should sign a commitment of the epidemic prevention and control to achieve the "two points and one line" in the residence and workplace. Personal protection measures are implemented on the way.

Staff living in the contact agency

Pension institutions can reasonably arrange staff to enter and exit through rotation and other methods to reduce the frequency of going out as much as possible. There are no risk -risk areas where the staff is located in the street and town where it does not belong to the relevant risks involved in relevant risks. After the return institution, it is observed in an independent area for 3 days. 24 hours) can enter the living area.

The civil affairs bureaus of each district can refine the specific measures to prevent and control the epidemic prevention and control of the pension institution in accordance with the actual situation of the district. If there are doubts about the elderly or family members, they can consult the elderly institution or the relevant district Civil Affairs Bureau.

This article is comprehensive from: Shanghai published, news perspective, Xinmin Evening News, news workshop and other WeChat editors: Miss Pi School Division: Huisong

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