Qianhai's "Smart Brain" main structure is fully capped

Author:Shenzhen Evening News Time:2022.07.02

On June 30, the main structure of the Shenzhen Qianhai Information Hub Building project in Shenzhen Qianhai Information Hub Building was fully capped in the country. It is reported that the total building height of the project is 118 meters, divided into 18 floors above ground, 3 underground floors, and a total construction area of ​​68,700 square meters.

The main structure of the Qianhai Information Hub Building is fully capped. (Source: Shenzhen Evening News)

It is understood that the Qianhai Information Hub Building project concentrated on a number of composite functions such as information infrastructure housing, postal branch bureau, smart Qianhai Management and Operation Center, and regional concentrated cold stations. It is an important project of Qianhai's new infrastructure layout. The underlying architecture of the infrastructure of "Digital Qianhai" is known as the "smart brain" of Qianhai. The design of this project breaks through the structure of traditional multi -story factory -type data center, and innovates the use of ultra -high -rise structure as the main body of the building. With innovative design, multi -functional composite, high -quality construction and sustainable process highlights, create a benchmark for Qianhai's "new infrastructure" field.

Dravnication of Qianhai Information Hub Building Project. (Source: Shenzhen Evening News)

After the project is completed, new technologies such as big data, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and blockchain will be integrated to increase the degree of integration of Qianhai Physics and the digital world, and build a "digital base and information interactive hub" of Qianhai Smart City. Among them, many sustainable process design technology blessings, empowering Qianhai's "smart brain" innovation.

Shenzhen Evening News reporter Fang Zhou Correspondent Jiang Yuanyuan

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