Zoucheng News Network (2022.07.02)

Author:Zou Lu Rong Media Time:2022.07.02

"Zoucheng News Network" 2022.07.02

Main content of the program

1. Zoucheng Economic Development Zone: Building an ecological industrial park to promote economic green development

2. Qin Xiaodong went to Tangcun Town to carry out the "two committees" team of villages (communities) to change work "Looking back" in the work of "Looking back"

3. The new era civilization practice held a promotion meeting on the scene of the new era of civilization practice in Action Zoucheng

4. Municipal leaders investigating and guiding "look back" work

5. Laoshan Street held a seminar on grass -roots party building work


7.1 -May Zoucheng's private investment increased by 10.1% year -on -year

A group of reports of "July 1st"

8. The Office of the Municipal Party Committee carried out the theme activity of Hongzheng, Defense Shoude and Qingqing and Qingqing

9. Xiangcheng Town Health Center invites old party members to visit

10. Fang Fang Holding Group to carry out the theme party class of the "New Bureau of the Mission to Open the New Bureau Concentration and Gathering Power"

11. Municipal Education and Sports Bureau organize lottery sales owners to carry out "July 1" education and practice activities

12. Taiping Town: The secretary of the village -level party organization learns to learn the "True Scriptures"

13. The uncivilized travel behavior of Chuangcheng exposure platform exposure

14. The media watch Zoucheng

Xinhuanet: Shandong Zoucheng builds rural property brands to improve service efficiency

Xinhuanet: Hou Baligou Village, Zoucheng Gangshan Street held a Qingqi 1 event

Luwang: Zoucheng inserted the wings of melting media for "Zou Lu science" to make everyone a popular science communicator

"Jining Daily": Zoucheng's strict responsibility for testing and incentive cadres to act as a role

15. One week's town street highlights

16. Air Quality Daily

Edit: Sun Jing

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