Yumen: The first stubble wolfberry picking the busy people's migrant workers "Qian Jing" is good

Author:Jiuquan Daily Time:2022.07.05

In the midsummer season, 234,000 acres of wolfberry in Yumen matured one after another, ushered in the picking season of the first wolfberry. The red wolfberry not only brings considerable benefits to the local farmers, but also radiates more labor employment to increase their income.

In the Da Changhe Modern Agricultural Demonstration Park in Yumen City, a series of red wolfberry is full of branches. Tens of thousands of pick -up workers are seizing the good opportunity of the weather in the weather, and orderly picking wolfberry fresh fruits.

Because mature wolfberry fresh fruits need to pick, dry, sort, and store it in a short period of time to prevent deterioration, the demand for employment is large. In order to meet the needs of employment, while attracting local labor, Yumen City has also attracted a large number of foreign picking workers to ensure timely picking and picking wolfberry fruits to ensure the quality of wolfberry.

The post -90s girl Fan Yunhua came to Yumen for the first time to pick wolfberry this year. Last year, many fellow villagers made money in Yumen picking wolfberry. This year, she also tried it.

"At first, because I was unfamiliar, and in order to ensure the quality of picking, I picked less. After mastering the skills, I picked it quickly and good, and the daily income came up." Fan Yunhua said.

The 70 -year -old Hu Zhiying has come from Henan to Yumen to pick wolfberry from Henan for three consecutive years. I saw her grabbing wolfberry branches, flipping and picking fruits in one hand. One layer of wolfberry fruit.

"Don't look at my age, I have been picking wolfberry for three years, and my hands and feet are taller. This is eating well, living well, and earning a lot!" Hu Zhiying said with a smile.

"I brought 80 people this time, and a person can pick up about 40 kilograms a day. The price is 3.3 yuan per kilogram. Workers' return fees, eating, and accommodation are all our management." Ye Hui, the person in charge of wolfberry picking workers, told the author that the author told the author Essence

Since entering the wolfberry picking period in mid -June, 20,000 acres of wolfberry in Yumen Dashanghe Modern Agricultural Demonstration Park has been stationed in more than 12,000 people.

"These wolfberry picking work comes from Henan, Sichuan, Yunnan and other places. On average, each worker can earn about 8,000 yuan in one picking period, and some can even reach tens of thousands of yuan. The income is not bad." Luo Hongzhen, director of the Management Committee of Demonstration Park, said.

It is understood that this year's 234,000 mu of wolfberry picking in Yumen is expected to pick about 90,000 people in total, and the picking cycle will end until the end of August.

(Han Xuan Lu Jianfei)

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