The ingenious dreams are held in the future of Sichuan Nanchong Culinary Industry Health Bank

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.07

Cover reporter Zhao Zijun intern Zheng Na

The people take food as the heavens, integrity operations, strengthening industry self -discipline, and food safety are particularly important to promote the healthy development of the catering industry. On July 7th, hosted by the twelve branches directly under the Nanchong Culinary Association and the Democratic Construction Nanchong Municipal Party Committee, supported by Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Company, with the theme of "Gifts Twenty of the Gifts", the health and standardized development exchange meeting of Nanchong cooking industry It was held in Shunqing District, Nanchong. Experts and medical experts in the cooking industry gathered together to carry out activities such as party history, learning policies, learning industry standards, and learning health knowledge. strength.

Adhere to the original intention

Luo Ruiqing's former residence study party history

At 9 am on July 7th, more than 40 leaders, administrative chefs, and management personnel from the cooking industry in Nanchang City came to the founding of the founding residence of the founding generals and the first public security minister of the Republic and the first public security minister Luo Ruiqing.

Everyone visits the historical pictures, revolutionary traditional documents, and video materials displayed in the exhibition hall. years. After visiting the lives of Comrade Luo Ruiqing on the spot, everyone was deeply remembered in front of Luo Ruiqing's statue.

"Nanchong is an important part of Sichuan -Shaanxi and the Soviet Union. It has made an indelible historical contribution to the establishment, consolidation, and expansion of the Sichuan -Shaanxi Revolutionary base." Zhao Tao, a post -80s hotel manager, said that he was very proud and proud as a Nanchong person and in daily life During the work, the ancestor's story will be spread, inherit the red gene, and the red blood is continued.

Jia Mingchang, a post -90s Chinese cooking technician, lived in the General Road community where Luo Ruiqing's former residence was. "I have learned about history and stories about General Luo Ruiqing since I was a child. Now I have learned differently as a cooking industry practitioner. I have a different gain." Jia Mingchang told the cover journalist that party history made him "original heart" and "Ingenuity" has a deeper experience. In the future work, higher standards will be required to ask yourself, and in ordinary posts, you will use as much energy as possible.

Standardized development

Build a food safety fortress

After the study of the party history, the "Gift Twenty of the Gifts" in the health and standardized development of the Nanchong cooking industry was held at Wantai Hotel. Experts from market supervision office, public health prevention, disease infection prevention and control, food safety prevention and control, in the form of conference discussions, brings business knowledge such as summer food safety, and physical health in the cooking industry.

Summer, the weather is heating up, and the food safety enters a high incidence period. How to protect consumers "the safety of the tongue"? Jia Wenyuan, deputy director of the Jinfeng Market Supervision Office of the Jialing District Supervision and Administration Bureau of Nanchong City, explained in detail about food safety issues that are prone to summer and how to deal with it. "Catering, food safety is the top priority. From the purchase of raw materials to cooking, from kitchen equipment to personal cleaning, everyone must have high standards."

"Through special learning, everyone has a more systematic and in -depth understanding and understanding of food safety and practitioners' safety, and promotes the establishment of the entire industry's health barrier." Du Chengbin, vice president of the Nanchong Culinary Association, said that he will develop more in the future. Learning the theme of the angle, firmly keep the bottom line of safety production.

Yang Ruguo, chairman of the Chinese Food Cultural Catering and Chairman of the Silk Duchao Niu Di Catering Management Co., Ltd., said that it will take the lead in strict food safety policies in the industry, further strengthen the awareness of risk, firmly establish the bottom line of thinking, take responsibility, actively act, and work hard Food Safety Fortress.

Special study

Establish an industry health barrier

Food safety cannot be underestimated, and the health of employees in the catering industry is also the focus. "Due to many harmful factors in the process of production, labor, and operating environment, chefs are very susceptible to occupational diseases such as oil, obesity, stomach diseases and other occupational diseases. They are second only to firefighters in various occupational diseases, second only to firefighters." Zhang Hongbin, the clinical nutritional director of the Northern Medical College of Sichuan Medical College, called on the dining and cooking industry practitioners at the scene to enhance the industry's awareness of health.

"For practitioners in the catering and cooking industry, there is a hidden health hazard in the catering industry: Hepatitis Big liver." Zhou Zhonghui, chief physician of the Department of Infectious Department of Affiliated Hospital of Northern Medical College, said that hepatitis is a kind of food -oriented infectious disease, pigs, cattle, sheep, shell shells, shells, shells High -end liver carrying liver has a high carrying rate, so the employees of the catering industry are high -incidence people. Zhou Zhonghui urged everyone to pay attention to liver and establish a health barrier. "At present, there are no antiviral drugs for the special effects of the pental hepatitis. The main preventive measures of the liver include the strengthening of the management of the source of infection, cutting off the transmission channels, protecting the susceptible population, and giving vaccine protection in advance."

According to Li Qingzhi, a representative of Xiamen Wantai Canghai Biotechnology Co., Ltd., at present, the hepatitis Hepatotic vaccine (YiColin) independently developed by my country has long been developed and listed in the age of 16 and above. Key high -risk people in the infection of hepatitis infection, such as animal husbandry farmers, catering workers, students, troops officers and soldiers, women in childcare, and travelers in epidemic areas. "Vaccination of hepatitis of hepatitis can effectively prevent hepatitis and enhance immunity. We will also carry out free screening of pental liver in Nanchong. I hope that such benefits can benefit from every catering industry practitioner."

Ingenious dream

Industry devoted to Nanchong's high -quality development

"In accordance with the national vocational skills standards, it is our responsibility and mission to make a greater contribution to the industry." At the event, Xie Junxian, president of the Nanchong Culinary Association, interpreted the "National Vocational Skills Standard-Chinese Cooking Master", This standard specifies the content of the professional activities of Chinese cooking practitioners to specify and detailed the content of the professional activities, and standardized the practical behavior of practitioners of the cooking industry. Xie Junxian said that the craftsman, the ability to work; the heart, dexterity, all the concerns. "The cooking industry practitioners will continue to inherit and develop the profound Chinese food culture and cooking skills, lead by example, strengthen exchanges, and continue to promote the improvement of industry skills through passing, helping, and bands. develop."

"The spirit of craftsmen is a serious spirit, dedication, and persistent spirit. It should be awe of the profession." Xu Xiaoming, deputy secretary -general of the Sichuan Culinary Association, said that he hopes that everyone will adhere to their original intentions and ingenuity. Passionate, devoted to the development of the cooking and catering industry, and devoted to the high -quality development of socioeconomic and economy.

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