Notice: From July, these four types of buildings will be "strictly investigated"!

Author:Nanhe Public Security of Jingd Time:2022.07.08


Notice of the Office of the State Council Security Committee

Deployed from July 2022 to June 2023

Carry out in the nation's concentration

Special rectification of major fire risk of high -rise buildings

The scope of this rectification is the four types of key objects including old high -rise commercial and residential mixed, old high -rise residential housing, old high -rise residential housing, super high -rise buildings, and high -rise public buildings. Standardize the verification and verification, strengthen independent management, focus on technical defense, strengthen training and propaganda, and make full emergency preparations, etc., focus on rectifying the risks of commonality. Houses highlight risks, super high -rise buildings, high -rise public buildings and other three categories. All localities can combine the characteristics of fire risks of local high -rise buildings to refine the focus of rectification and expand the scope of rectification.

The notice requires that the local safety production committee combines the characteristics of the special fire risk rectification tasks of high -rise buildings in the region to clarify the departments and departments of the public security, public security, civil affairs, housing construction, market supervision, power management, gas management, urban management, natural resources and other departments and natural resources and other departments and natural resources. For the work responsibilities of fire rescue agencies, other departments and central enterprises are responsible for the fire safety management of high -rise buildings in this system and the industry.

The notice emphasizes that all regions and relevant departments and units must refine and improve the special rectification plan, include the key content of the national production safety inspection work, and strengthen organizational leadership and command scheduling; Safety, electrical safety, fire safety, emergency response, etc.; incorporate the content of daily supervision and inspection, strengthen process supervision and accountability; adhere to source control, group defense and group management, establish and improve high -rise building information sharing, discuss judgment, joint investigation and punishment, etc. Chain supervision work mechanism; timely revise local regulations or relevant standards, organize standardized construction, and continuously improve the level of fire safety management of high -rise buildings.

It is understood that my country has become the country with the largest number of high -rise buildings in the world and the fastest growth. In terms of fire safety, a large amount of insulation and decorative materials are laid in the outer walls of high -rise buildings. Various vertical pipelines such as elevator shafts, cable wells, and air ducts inside. The "chimney effect" forms a three -dimensional combustion, which is easy to cause group injuries or severe risk -related accidents.

● Source: Emergency Management Department, China Fire, Ji'an Fire

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