In 2022, an academician of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology Anhui Xing and the National conditions inspection activities walked into Wuhu

Author:Beijing Science and Technology Time:2022.07.08

In order to implement the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference and widely unite and contact the service of high -level scientific and technological talents, on July 5th, the 2022 Academician of the Chinese Science and Technology Association of Science and Technology of the Chinese Science and Technology Association of Science and Technology Anhui Wuhu officially launched. He Yaling, Tan Zhemin, Chen Jianping, Yu Jihong, Rui Xiaoting, Yang Deren, Zou Caone, Zhang Jiabao, Li Yitian, Gao Tianming, Gu Ning, Leng Jinsong, Yu Jingquan will launch a 7 -day inspection in Wuhu and Huangshan and other places. Activity.

Academicians and experts who came to Anhui are involved in agronomy, chemistry, geology, physics, biological engineering, environmental engineering, medical, new energy, aerospace and other fields.

On the morning of the 6th, all academicians and experts participated in the opening ceremony of the 19th Yangtze River Delta Science and Technology Forum and the 2022 Yangtze River Delta Integrated Academician Forum. Academician Gu Ning and Academician Yang Deren focused on the main reports of "vascular information and health engineering" and "the current status and challenge of the semiconductor material industry". Based on the achievements of scientific and technological innovation and economic and social development, the report of the two academicians, through the informative data and in -depth explanations, explained the understanding and suggestions of scientific issues, bringing everyone a "scientific and technological feast". Academician He Yaling was invited to participate in the academician talks. She focused on scientific and technological innovation and talent training. She set off from her main scientific research field, and actively made suggestions around Wuhu's high -quality development.

▲ The opening ceremony of the forum.

▲ Academician Gu Ning made a keynote report around the "vascular information and health engineering".

▲ Academician Yang Deren made a keynote report around the "current situation and challenge of the semiconductor material industry".

On the afternoon of the 6th, more than 10 academicians and experts walked into the Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone, and went into investigation into three companies including Chery Automobile Pilot Center, Wuhu Changxin Technology Co., Ltd., and Xinyi R & D Center. In the enterprise exhibition hall, the relevant person in charge introduced the development history of the enterprise, product system, research and development status, development planning, etc. for academicians and experts, and invited academician experts to participate in the product experience.

▲ Academician experts investigated in Chery Automobile Co., Ltd.

The event also set up a seminar and exchange link for academicians experts and corporate representatives. More than 30 enterprise representatives from the Wuhu Economic and Technological Development Zone attended the meeting. Six of them exchanged speeches of representatives of enterprises, explaining the characteristics and competitive advantages of their respective enterprises, as well as technology in technology Difficulties and problems in innovation and upgrade. The academicians and experts attended the development of Wuhu, especially in the "Wu" students in scientific and technological innovation. The results and the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the district will be congratulated. Academicians and experts have conducted a cordial exchanges with representatives of the participating enterprises, and put forward valuable opinions and suggestions on the development of Wuhu and the development of the participating enterprises.

▲ Academician experts discussed with enterprise representatives in Wuhu Economic Development Zone

During the academician campus activities, Academician Yu Jihong walked into Anhui Engineering University to practice a special report of Huang Danian spirit for the responsible comrades and teachers and students of the relevant departments and colleges, and discussed with the teachers and students at the scene. With the entry point of the "National College Teacher Teacher Team" at the School of Chemistry, Jilin University, she explained the team's efforts and achievements in practicing the spirit of Huang Diannian and creating first -class. During the discussion, Academician Yu Jihong answered the questions raised by the research and development direction, carbon dioxide thermal catalytic conversion, optoelectronic catalytic prospects, how young teachers chose scientific research direction, national natural fund declaration, and student training in the field of research and development of molecular screens, and give it. Suggestions from China.

▲ Academician Yu Jihong made a report at Anhui Engineering University

This time, academicians and experts walked into Wuhu, went deep into the park, enterprises, and universities. Through visiting investigations, discussions and exchanges, special reports, etc., they passed their treasures and answers in the park, enterprises, and schools. Promoting the high -quality development of Wuhu science and technology innovation will have a positive role in promoting.

Supply/Anhui Science and Technology News

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