Creating City | Ganzhou Public Security Traffic Police continued to carry out vehicles to stop and release the rectification work

Author:Ganzhou Public Security Time:2022.07.08

In order to further consolidate the exquisite management results of roads in the jurisdiction and create a safe, unblocked and orderly transportation environment, the traffic police brigade of the Ganzhou Branch of the Zhangye Public Security Bureau continued to carry out special rectification actions for vehicles.

In the rectification, in order to continuously improve the quality of road traffic management and form a long -term mechanism, the brigade combines the practice of combining patrol management control and fixed -point cleaning in combination with the actualities of the jurisdiction and the combination of peaks and peaks. Dynamic patrol and rectification. Police on duty police are promoting, edge education, side warnings, and rectification, and persuaded the driver's present -stop vehicle; SMS and 12123 dual information methods for drivers are not present to inform the driver of the vehicle to leave; Vehicles that affect the passage of other vehicles, multiple violations or notifications after the disorderly stop, and the vehicles that are still not separated after the notification will be taken to take photos to obtain evidence.

Civilized and orderly traffic environment cannot be the maintenance of every traffic participant. We must start with ourselves to talk about civilization and new winds, park vehicles in an orderly manner in accordance with regulations, maintain good traffic order, and contribute to the smooth and orderly city.

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