The Municipal Earthquake Monitoring Center went to Xinglong Street in the city to docking the "upper line, seeing truth, practicing skills, promoting development" mass work education

Author:Jizhen WeChat Time:2022.07.08

In order to promote the implementation of the "upper line, determine the truth, practice skills, and promote development", the mass work education practice activities are carried out solidly, and the party group of the Municipal Earthquake Monitoring Center actively promotes the entire level of party members and cadres to the grassroots, comprehensively educated, and implemented throughout the process. On the afternoon of July 7, Zheng Weiguo, a member of the Party Group and Deputy Director of the Municipal Earthquake Monitoring Center, led a team to Xinglong Street in the city to do the "three contacts and three surveys" work. Dong Yabing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Xinglong Street and Chairman of the Trade Union, Zhang Zhen, Chief of the Organization Division, and the party branch secretary of both parties participated in the event. Bleak

At the work docking meeting, the Municipal Earthquake Monitoring Center and Xinglong Street introduced the unit overview and the construction of grass -roots party organizations, and launched a good communication on the next step to carry out the work of "three contacts and three surveys". Zheng Weiguo said that through exchanges, I feel that the work of Xinglong Street is solid and powerful, the cadre team is full of vitality, and the branch construction has its own characteristics. Zheng Weiguo made five points of opinion in the next step. The first is to improve the position. "On the front line, the truth, the ability to practice, and promote development" the mass work education practice activity is the specific practice of the party's mass line in the new era. The two -way communication between the organs and the front line will also be the norm. Land. The second is to grasp the key points. In the work, pay attention to understanding the implementation of key work, discovering and solving problems, and effectively doing good things for private things. In -depth summary experience and practices of mass work, cultivate outstanding grass -roots party organizations and grassroots cadres, and give full play to the role of demonstration and leading. The third is the form of innovation. Through the two -way exchange of young cadres, jointly conducting the theme party day, and joint organization work discussions, etc., we will be eclectic to deepen contact, mutual learning and mutual promotion. The fourth is to highlight the effectiveness. For problems found in the survey, it is necessary to form a ledger, the sales number solve, and the independent solution that can be solved independently. Fifth, serious discipline. When conducting a survey, party members and cadres must tighten discipline and strictly observe political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline, mass discipline, work discipline, life discipline, and confidentiality discipline.

After the meeting, the party branches of the four institutions in the center were connected with the three communities of Xinglong Street and the grass -roots party organizations in Xinglong Street and a village. The center also presented the popular science popularization information to the streets and communities.

In the next step, the center will fully cooperate with the level of party building activities, mass work, post swaps and officers and entrepreneurship, and promote the construction of Xinglong Street to promote the central party members and cadres of the center. Work education practice activities have achieved real results.

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