Yanta Epidemic Prevention | "Five Club Links" aggregate epidemic prevention and control has temperature

Author:Yanta Rong Media Time:2022.07.08

"When scanning the code to enter the information, it is easy to forget to click to replace the test tube barcode, and return to the deletion operation will waste time." Zhang Weihao, a 19 -year -old Xi'an University of Science and Technology, did not expect that the simple nucleic acid screening scanning work has so Learn more. "Fortunately, the neighbors have a high degree of cooperation. Other volunteers come to teach me to send stickers and scan the code. On the first day, I am a volunteer, and the atmosphere is good. I still have to participate in screening tomorrow."

The Qinglong Community where Zhang Weihao lives is the largest community in Qinglong community. There are 41 buildings, 1975 households, more than 3780 people, and 80%of the rented households. The personnel liquidity is relatively strong, which makes the difficulty of nucleic acid detection.

In the past few days, Xi'an has carried out nucleic acid screening many times. Zhang Hao, the captain of the Qinglong Community Xiaoshui Drop Volunteer Service Team, and Zhang Bailing, secretary of the Community Party Committee, decided to recruit a group of young volunteers to join the epidemic prevention work. "Students are on vacation, and they can be used as a vital force for nucleic acid testing." Zhang Hao said.

Yesterday afternoon, Zhang Weihao's mother saw the news recruited by young volunteers in the community WeChat group, and encouraged her son to register for the first time. "My major is emergency technology and management, and there are many associations with the prevention and control of the epidemic, so I submitted the registration form to Captain Zhang." Zhang Weihao said.

"More than 20 people signed up yesterday. We comprehensively considering factors such as age and physical condition, and initially selected 14 people to enrich the team of young volunteers. Today, 8 people are arranged to participate in nucleic acid testing, which is more efficient." Zhang Hao's other identity is another identity. " He is the captain of the emergency rescue team of Xi'an City. He applies the management model of the rescue team to the management of volunteers. The role of volunteers has played more and more in community prevention and control.

"Get more than four o'clock in the morning, and distribute bread and eggs for breakfast. During the nuclear acid process, help medical, community staff and volunteers with frozen bottled water to cool down under the armpits. After the work, the cafeteria cooked mung bean soup for everyone. I prepared watermelon and made the water surface. This experience makes me feel particularly warm. "

It is understood that in June 2021, the incubation base of the community social organizations of the Da Yanta Street was established. The base was hosted by the Dayan Tower Street, co -organized by Qinglong Community, and the implementation of third -party institutions. In the past year, 6 community social organizations including the "small water drop" volunteer service team have been incubated. As a third -party agency, the Shaanxi Zhongyi Social Organization Service Center organizes the "small water drop" volunteer service team to implement the "temperature diet related love in the bowl". People cook and prepare fruits. "The refrigerator used to freeze ice water is donated by volunteers. A large number of epidemic prevention and summer supplies are provided by the Min'an rescue team." Zhang Bailing introduced.

At present, the integrated resources of the social organization incubation base of Da Yanta Street have established community, social organizations, social workers, community volunteers, and social charity resources to "five social linkage" community governance models to jointly build community epidemic prevention barriers.

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