Obligations to remove insects in Sunwu Street, Huimin County

Author:Huimin Rong Media Time:2022.07.09

In the past few days, as the temperature rises, pests have also entered a high incidence.In order to effectively prevent diseases and insect pests and ensure the normal growth of green seedlings in the community, on July 8th, the senior official community of Sunwu Street in Huimin County carried out obligations to remove insects, and sprayed all -round spray on tall trees, front flower beds and trash cans on both sides of the main roads in the community., Protect the green environment of the community, have been widely praised by residents.

Before spraying drugs, in order to reduce the impact of drugs on residents, the community community Jinling Huating Community Property informing the residents in advance, reminding everyone to close the doors and windows and do a good job of prevention.At the same time, reminding the past residents not to touch the green tree to ensure the safety of insect extinguishing.

This time, spraying, drug elimination and other methods were used to clean up the trees and shrubs in the jurisdictions, focusing on eliminating nourishment such as mosquito, flies, and tapeworms, and further improved the quality of life of residents.In the next step, the senior official community will continue to increase the prevention and control of diseases and insect pests, discover time, timely prevent and control, and create a healthy and good living environment for residents.

(Li Xia Zhao Yujuan)

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