The Turpan Museum launches the party history learning activity of "praising the party and the country"

Author:Turpan Museum Time:2022.07.09

In order to celebrate the 101st anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, welcomes the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and enhance the passionate enthusiasm of party members. Recently, the Turpan Museum has carried out the party history learning activities of "praising the party country", and more than 30 party members and cadres from the oasis community participated in the event.

The activity is divided into two parts: the theme exhibition of the "Centennial Style" and the puzzle of "I love my motherland". During the visit, the interpreter explained the era background of the founding of the Communist Party of China, allowing everyone to relive the party's glorious history, review the party's glorious journey, remember the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs, understand the heroic deeds of the martyrs, and feel the ancestors The dedication of their dedication accepted the purification and baptism of the soul.

After the explanation, enter the "I love my motherland" puzzle. The museum staff holds the puzzle model that has been spelling, telling the large area of ​​our country and the population. While listening, everyone began to stitch the Chinese territory nervously according to the degree of familiarity with the location of the provinces of the motherland. After the event, everyone was lucky to live in China, and he was proud of himself to become Huaxia people.

Through this activity, everyone has a deeper understanding of the territory of China, and has cultivated everyone's patriotic spirit, and rooted the seeds that love every inch of land in the motherland to the soul.

Review | Fanteng Deng Yonghong

Edit | Chen Yan

Published | Ding Ruiqi

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Turpan Museum WeChat public account

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