Don't leave safely!Please collect this summer safety strategy

Author:Love to see headlines Time:2022.07.11

Safety does not "holiday"

Where is a safe, happy, meaningful summer vacation?

In the library, museum, science and technology museum

In the beautiful nature

In the safety awareness of warning at all times

The long -awaited summer vacation is coming soon

But safety must not be "holiday"!

Teachers and parents must remind their children

While enjoying the holiday

Never ignore safety protection!

Pay attention to prevent drowning

With the arrival of summer, swimming and drama are more attractive to children. Therefore, summer has also become a high incidence of children and adolescent drowning accidents.

According to incomplete statistics, about 50,000 people are drowned every year in my country, and accidents are the number one killer in the accident of accidental injuries. Fonel drowning occurs in unsafe water areas where water depth is unpredictable and water distance is difficult to judge.

(Chengdu 2022 Summer Student Drowning Map, click here to view)

Traffic safety is great

In the summer, the demand for travel such as children who go out and play in rural areas to visit the city has increased significantly. Recently, the Ministry of Public Security issued a three -summer -year -old child traffic safety warning tips.

Traffic safety warning tips

1. The demand for short -distance self -driving travel in the summer is increased, and the risk of traveling in private cars has increased. Among them, children staying in the car alone, no child safety seats, heads and hands out of the car, etc. Children's damage problems are more prominent.

Children over 212 years old ride bicycles and even increase risk of driving motor vehicles illegal. Children over 12 years of age have enhanced their independence consciousness, and the holidays in the city go to the park stadium and other places. The opportunity to go to the market or county in the countryside is increasing. , Leading to a lack of awareness of risk prevention, some even illegally drove motor vehicles and electric bicycles to increase traffic safety risks.

3 The risk of traffic accidents in children and children's road parking lots such as road parking lots. There are many opportunities for children to go out alone in the summer, especially in rural children to play and make trouble near the roads of the village and provinces. Judging from the results of sampling surveys, the risk of traffic accidents occurred at the entrances and exits of road parking lots in the country and provinces in the summer, especially the risk of accidents caused by suddenly accelerating the running and returning halfway.

Pay attention to diet hygiene

There should be festivals in summer diet

Q1 What to eat in summer?

Summer temperature is high, sweaty, drinking water, gastric acid is diluted, and the digestive fluid secretion is relatively reduced. The weakened digestive function causes loss of appetite. Coupled with gastrointestinal disorders caused by greedy cold foods Essence Therefore, pay special attention to summer diet.

① The summer diet is light, bitter, nutritious, and easy to digest foods to avoid eating sticky and indigestible foods.

② Eat some bitter gourd, bitter vegetables, and tea, coffee, etc. in summer, which can not only clear the heart, wake up the brain, eliminate inflammation and remove the heat, but also increase appetite, strengthen the spleen and stomach.

③ In high temperature environment, the metabolic rate of human body increases, and the weather is hot, and people sweat a lot. Therefore, the intake of low -fat proteins such as eggs, milk, fish, shrimp, and soy products should increase appropriately.

④ The amount of fat should be willing to accept it. The appropriate amount of fat can increase the fragrance of dishes and promote appetite, but too high fat can cause anorexia.

⑤ Cool foods in the four sexes are more suitable for summer selection. Because cool food has the effects of clearing heat and relieving heat, reducing fire, detoxifying, and reducing body heat.

Cool foods are mainly (1) cereal: barley; (2) vegetables: Chinese cabbage, asparagus, white white, aloe vera, lotus root, bitter gourd, loofah, cucumber, winter melon, mung bean sprouts, etc.; , Watermelon, pear, persimmons, oranges, pastries, cucumbers, tomatoes; (4) meat: seafood, duck meat; (5) egg beans: egg white, mung beans.

Q2 How to eat in summer?

① Do not overeating in summer, especially dinner should not be full. Eat too full, can't digest, can easily damage the spleen and stomach, leading to stomach disease.

② To eat on time, otherwise it will disrupt the normal activity of the spleen and stomach function, cause the spleen and stomach physiological dysfunction, and cause stomach disease.

③ To raw cold food and cold drinks, if you eat cold food and drink cold drinks, it will damage the spleen and stomach.

④ Try not to eat raw or unheated food.

Pay attention to diet hygiene to prevent food poisoning

In summer, the temperature rises and the humidity is large. It is suitable for various pathogenic microorganisms, and the food is easy to corruption. In addition, the flies are tingling to pollute food. If people eat foods contaminated by germs or germs, they may cause food poisoning. Improper processing or storage of foods such as cooked food products, cold dishes, cold foods, etc., can easily cause food poisoning. Therefore, do the following work to prevent food poisoning in summer.

1. Keep cleaning

Before you take the food, you must wash your hands first. When preparing the food, you should wash your hands frequently. After that, you should use soapy water to clean your hands in time. When cooking food, pay attention to the cleaning of the table to avoid insects or harmful creatures approaching the food.

2. Raw cooked separation

Pay attention to foods, poultry and seafood to be separated from other foods. Raw food requires special equipment and utensils, such as cutting raw meat and cutting boards. Different tableware should be stored in raw food and cooked food. Do not mix the two of them.

3. Completely cooked

Food should be cooked and rotten, especially meat and poultry eggs and seafood. When stewing or stewed soup, it should be boiled. The meat and poultry juice should be cleared. Need to heat again. 4. Keep the safety of food

Do not store cooked food for more than two hours in summer, all cooked food and easy to rotten food should be kept in a refrigerator of minus 5 degrees Celsius. The refrigerator is not the food in the refrigerator in the refrigerator. Frozen.

5. Use safe water and raw materials

The treatment of water is very strict. To ensure the safety of water, choose fresh and healthy foods. It is best to choose foods that are processed safely. Fruits and vegetables should be cleaned in time. Especially when eating raw, you should pay attention. Do not eat expired food.

To prevent food poisoning, we must pay attention to the details of life. Only by paying attention to the details of life can we reduce the harm to the body. In the process of food matching, we should master the principles of basic food matching, grasp the relationship between food and harmony, and try to avoid eating frequently as much as possible takeout. Summer is the season when bacteria and viruses are most likely to breed, and it is also a high incidence season when food poisoning is prone to food poisoning. Everyone must do the corresponding prevention work.

Flood during the flood season must keep in mind

Recently, strong precipitation in the south has entered the strongest period and issued heavy rain warnings in many places. Although the torrent of rainstorms cannot be prevented, parents can teach children some basic emergency knowledge to deal with emergencies.

Be wary to prevent fraud

Just after the college entrance examination, the graduates were preparing for the new campus life.

The scammers also glanced at this group of student groups involved in the world, and extended the sinful black hands. They often sold goods at the price far lower than the market price, attracting students with poor economic ability to hook, and then used it to use it. Card single, payment failure and other means to cheat money.

Common ways of fraud, keep in mind ten things

1. Online loan

Any online loan platform, which is "not required to qualification" and before lending, is fraud!

2. Back to rebate

Everyone is fraud!

3. "Killing Pig Plate"

Anyone who induces you to invest or gamble through the Internet is fraud!

4. Precursing e -commerce logistics customer service

Anyone who encounters self -proclaimed customer service on online shopping is that the bank card number and verification code ask for the bank card number and verification code are all fraud!

5. Precurs to acquaintances or leaders

Anyone who claims to be "leadership" and "acquaintances" require remittances!

6. Precurs "Public Prosecution Law"

Anyone who claims to be the "Public Prosecution Law" allows you to remit money to the "security account" is fraud!

7. Fake investment and financial management

Anyone who adds WeChat and QQ through social platforms pulls you into the group, let you download apps or click link for investment and gambling, all of which are fraud!

8. Fake shopping

Anyone who notifies the winning and the prize is a fraud!

9. Logging out "Campus Loan"

Anyone who claims to be "based on the need for relevant national policies to cooperate with the cancellation of the account, otherwise it will affect personal credit reporting" is fraud!

10. False transactions online games

Anyone who sells and sells game equipment or game coins is fraud!

Pain love for children

It's better to keep your child away from damage

Accompany the child through a safe, civilized, healthy and beautiful summer vacation

This is the correct way to open the summer vacation?

(Source of this article: Chengdu Education Release)

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