Sun Shuxue, secretary of the party committee of the "Deyang" provincial office, went to Deyang to carry out a special investigation of party building work of Taiwan -funded enterprises

Author:Tongxin Sichuan Time:2022.07.11

On July 6, Sun Shuxue, secretary of the party committee of the Provincial Taiwan Affairs Office of the Provincial Office of Taiwan, came to Deyang to conduct a special survey of party building work in Taiwan -funded enterprises. Xie Jinhui, deputy minister of the United Front Work Department of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Overseas Chinese Federation, accompanied the investigation.

The research team has inspected Guanghan Anyou Feed Co., Ltd., Jingyang District Qiao Deng Training School, and Deyang Durongfa Supermarket Co., Ltd. Introduction to the construction of party organization positions. During the period, Xie Jinhui reported to the research team that Deyang insisted on high -level overall planning, one enterprise and one policy, and promoted the party building work of Taiwan -funded enterprises in the city with points.

Sun Shuxue fully affirmed the implementation of the central government's work requirements for the implementation of the central government's work on promoting the party's organization and the "two full coverage" of the party's organization and the party's work, coordinating planning, scientific policy, and safe and orderly work. Sun Shuxue hopes that we must continue to strengthen work guidance, guide Taiwan -funded enterprises to deepen the awareness of mutual promotion of party building and operations, and enhance the sense of belonging of party members of the enterprise to party organizations. Corporate party organizations should actively think and innovate measures in combination with reality how to play a good role in the role of the party branch's fighting fortress and the role of the pioneer of party members, and make full use of the party's advanced ideological advantages, organizational leadership and mass work advantages to help the development of enterprises and expand Make positive contributions to party organizations and party members.

(Contribution of the United Front Work Department of the Deyang Municipal Party Committee, the United Front Work Department of the Guanghan Municipal Committee of Deyang City)

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