Shandong: Multiple measures, make every effort to stabilize the main body of the market

Author:Jining News Network Time:2022.06.14

□ Reporter Wang Jian Wang Heying Liu Lanhui Fu Yuting

"Last year, we invested a lot in the construction project and had difficulty in capital turnover. Recently, we received a tax refund of 54.1515 million yuan, which solved our urgent urgent." Su Aijun, the person in charge of the finance of the limited company, said with emotion.

The epidemic should be defended, the economy must be stable, and the development is safe. At present, due to the factors of super -expected factors, the downward pressure on my country's economy is still prominent, and the importance of steady growth is even more prominent. Putting the steady growth in a more prominent position, the departments of all parts of our province will thoroughly implement the spirit of the twelfth party congress of the province, focus on strengthening policy supply, bailout market entities, optimizing the business environment, and expanding effective investment. For key links, a series of targeted, strong and effective policies and measures are introduced to stabilize the development of the economy.

Stabilizing the market is to stabilize the economy. Affected by the epidemic, many market entities are urgently needed to increase assistance. The implementation of large -scale value -added tax refund policies is a key measure to stabilize and stabilize market entities. Liu Xingyun, director of the Provincial Department of Finance, said, "We will accelerate the implementation of the implementation of the VAT tax refund policy to ensure that the existing retention tax refund tasks in large and medium -sized enterprises such as small and micro enterprises and manufacturing industries in the first half of the year will be implemented. Soiay expand the policy of implementing social insurance premiums, support for unemployment insurance, and other policies to help enterprises blood transfusion and overwhelming and overwhelming. "

Liu Xingyun said that since this year, the province's fiscal system has strengthened the guarantee of fiscal funds, optimized the supply of fiscal and taxation policies, and focused on supporting the stable economic operation. In the next step, the financial department will conscientiously implement the deployment requirements of the Provincial Party Congress and further strengthen policies and funds. The support for the development of enterprises has driven enterprises to increase investment in scientific and technological research and development, stimulate innovation and creation vitality, and effectively build the foundation of high -quality economic development. Especially in terms of assistance to small and medium -sized enterprises, give play to the advantages of targeted regulation and control of fiscal policy, accurately support small assistance, and use government procurement policy functions to increase the reserved share of small and medium -sized enterprises to 45%. The proportion of the price deduction of micro-enterprise industries has increased to 10%-20%, and policies such as government procurement contract financing and government financing guarantee are made to help small and medium-sized enterprises alleviate financing problems.

To stabilize the economic market, in order to strengthen policy supply, we must not only grasp the implementation of existing policies, but also take care of the incremental policy tools. "Since this year, our province has introduced three batch of 'high -quality development policies for' steadily progress' high -quality development policies." Zhu Hong, director of the National Economic Comprehensive Division of the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, introduced that the next step will continue to implement the implementation of the policy list, and at the same time, it will focus on the implementation of the policy list, and at the same time, it will focus on the implementation of the policy list, and at the same time, it will be surrounded by the policy list. The implementation of a policy measure of the State Council's solid and stabilization of the economy's package, targeted plans to reserve a number of pragmatic and innovative policy measures, and will be launched in a timely manner according to economic operation.

Domestic demand is the "main engine" that drives economic growth, and stabilizing the economy is to stabilize domestic demand, which requires a key role in effective investment. This year, our province focuses on the "Top Ten Demand Demands" and increased its implementation of project planning. According to Zhu Hong, our province will further strengthen the construction of projects, speed up 15,000 provinces, cities, and county -level key projects, infrastructure "seven nets", nine energy projects and other project construction progress, and speed up the project approval speed. Projects with mature batch conditions expand effective investment with greater efforts.

The short -term industrial technology reform can expand demand. It can promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and promote high -quality development for a long time. It is a key task that is good for the development of far and near development. This year, our province takes the "Industrial Technology Reform and Reform Action" as one of the "Top Ten Demand Demands" actions. It has maintained sufficient investment stamina. "Wang Yifu, director of the Planning and Technical Transformation Division of the Provincial Department of Industry and Information Technology.

Wang Yifu said that in accordance with the requirements of "comprehensively improving traditional industries", it will step up the "industrial technical reform and relegation actions", focus on implementing the implementation of key technical reform projects, coordinate and solve the difficulties and problems encountered in the project construction, promote the rapid project, and promote the rapid project. Investment, earlier production, increase financial and financial policy support, comprehensively implement policies such as special lending, equipment awards, equity investment, etc., establish a "financial+bank+guarantee" linkage mechanism, and to meet eligible major technical reform projects Give loan discount, premium subsidy or equity investment support, and accelerate the promotion of the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries and high -quality development.

The business environment is the soil of the survival and development of the market subject. When it is difficult, the more difficult it is to optimize the business environment and help the market subject solve the problems and cross the difficulty. "Our province has accelerated the construction of a digital government, focused on deepening the" decentralization of management service 'reform and optimizing the business environment, and continuously optimized the service process by strengthening data sharing, promoting the application of electronic certificates, and reducing the materials required by enterprises and the masses. According to Ma Yuenan, deputy secretary -general of the Provincial Government and Director of the Provincial Big Data Bureau, as of the end of May this year, the province's electronic certificate license was more than 230 million times.

Ma Yuenan said that the next step will continue to make efforts to promote governance methods, digital changes in lifestyles, and strengthen the basic support of digital change. The life cycle digital digitalizes the service system, and continues to stimulate the vitality of various market entities.

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