New Bookstore 丨 "Daily Recitation" Children's Reading from Nursery Rhymes Children's Poems

Author:Cover news Time:2022.07.12

Cover news reporter Wang Hui

The "Compulsory Education Chinese Course (2022 Edition)" released by the Ministry of Education this year especially emphasized the role and significance of "recitation" in the core literacy construction of Chinese, and put forward clear and specific sequential requirements for "recitation", such as The first section (grade 1-2) needs to be "recite children's songs, children's poems, and shallow ancient poems, start imagination, gain preliminary emotional experience, and feel the beauty of language", the second section (grade 3-4) is You need to "read excellent poems, pay attention to experience emotions during the reading process, start imagination, and understand the idea of ​​poetry".

At present, more and more teachers and parents will "recite" as a process or daily habit when they provide basic education on their children. "Reading", this traditional way of learning with a long history, under the requirements of the new era, is rejuvenating.

So, how to treat children's recitation scientifically, correct children to recite, and what kind of recitation materials are selected? Guangxi Normal University Press has released the "Daily Recitation" series, which gives the answer to these questions. The book has been published at the fifteenth anniversary and the sixth edition was launched this year.

Publishing House Pictures

After studying the history of Chinese and nearly modern Chinese education, Xu Dongmei, the editor -in -chief of "The Railway", believes that children's poetry is a tradition of Chinese culture, and reading is the tradition of Chinese education. Reading is both a form of reading and a reading ability. In recitation, children can recognize words, accumulate language, cultivate a sense of language, and comprehensively improve their language appearance.

Chinese has a uniqueness and sense of rhythm. In traditional education, recitation is regarded as "boy merit", which is the basis of language accumulation and ideological enlightenment. "Days of the Day" adheres to the concept of scientific children's chanting, and advocate the rhythm of mother tongue through real, natural, and unwilling recitation.

In terms of reading, Xu Dongmei believes that children's recitation should start with nursery rhymes. Nursery rhymes are full of eloquence, full of rhythm tension, which is in line with children's natural love for rhythm, and it is also easy to stimulate children's reading interest; while poetic sound charm is harmonious and people's hearts are the best enlightenment materials for children.

It is understood that the sixth edition of the newly revised "Daily Recitation" is a work that has been compiled and revised five years after more than ten years of research and experiments, which is closer to children's perspectives and more suitable for contemporary children. On the basis of continuing the consistent child nature, classic, and seriality, the sixth edition of "Daily" has made several aspects of optimization iteration:

In terms of visual presentation, with six elegant Chinese traditional colors as the color of each book, it adds multiple hand -drawn illustrations, which is both childlike and poetic beauty.

In accordance with the new regulations of the 2021 "National Standard GB+40070-2021-Children's and Adolescents Learning Supplies Myopia Prevention and Control and Prevention and Control and Prevention," increased the lines and fonts of the text, making the reading process easier and more comfortable.

On the basis of maintaining the original style characteristics of the book, it deletes the content of reunion with the unified textbook, replacing a small number of poems that are a little distance or classic of children's life at the moment, and only retain the ects that children are easier to understand and appreciate.

Re -sort out the sixth grade classical Chinese context, replace a small number of charts on the basis of the original, and arrange in the order of the period from the pre -Qin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty, the six dynasties to the Tang, Song, Yuan, Ming, and Qing dynasties, which directly shows the different periods of ancient China in different periods of ancient China. The beauty of the article.

Part of the appreciation in the book, narrative closer to children's perspectives; at the same time, increase communication and inspiration, which is convenient for children to use.

Xue Ruiping, a well -known child reading promotion, believes that reading is deep reading. The recitation of the day is the process of refining the heart. Drops are worn, rope sawnuts, long days, accumulated language, cultivation of poeticity, also fixed force and calmness.

The process of children's growth is the process of their perception, participation, and connecting the world. More and more children are growing their horizons to broad dimensions from ancient times to the present, from it, and from the wise classic text.

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