The first round of the first round of the British Prime Minister's dispute was that 3 people have received "admission tickets"

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.13

The British ruling party Conservative Party scheduled to hold the first round of the first round of the new party's first election to start the "first battle" of the new Prime Minister's dispute. At this stage, 3 candidates have been supported by at least 20 conservative members and received "admission tickets" participating in the first round of voting.

According to the election rules announced on the 11th of the Conservative Party, the first election of the New Party is roughly divided into two stages: the first stage was voted by 358 Conservative Party members to lock two final candidates. He is the first party and the new Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.

The candidate's nomination procedure was completed before 18:00 local time (1:00 on the 13th Beijing time), and the candidate supported by at least 20 conservative members entered the first round of the first round of voting. In the first round of voting, candidates supported by at least 30 members will be eliminated. The second round of voting is scheduled to be held on the 14th. If the top two candidates are not decided at that time, the vote will be held next week.

After Boris Johnson announced last week that he resigned as the head of the party's conservative party and the prime minister, 11 people announced the joining the successor, including the former Financial Minister Rich Sunak, the Minister of Sanitation Saiyd Javid, and the Financial Minister Na Na Na Na Na Na. Zim Zhawa, former Foreign Minister Jerry Hunter, President of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the parliament, Tom Togen Dart, Minister of Trade Policy Penny Montet, Foreign Minister Elizabeth Tellas, etc.

At this stage, three people have received at least 20 members support and successfully entered the first round of voting, namely Sonak, Togendat and Modot. The media predicts that Tras, Zahawi and Hunter are also expected to pass the threshold for the first round of voting.

In Reuters, Sunak, Modit and Tellas are the main "leaders" in this election campaign.

Sunak officially launched the campaign promotional activity on the 12th. He resigned as the Minister of Finance on the 5th. It was his resignation with Javid that caused senior government officials to "leave the wave" and forced Johnson to agree to step down.

Sunak said in the campaign promotional activity that day that he was a suitable candidate for Johnson and had the ability to deal with the current economic dilemma of Britain. In response to the significant tax reduction commitment proposed by other candidates, he called on his opponent not to "talk about good fairy tales" and say that he would take priority tasks in suppressing inflation.

Deputy Prime Minister Dominick Lab and the Minister of Transportation Grant Schartus supported Sonak, saying that the latter had "experience and ability" to become the new Prime Minister in the UK. Shapsz also joined the election campaign, but gave up soon and instead supported Sonak.

As one of Sunak's main opponents, Tras was supported by two ministers of the Johnson government on the 12th. According to British media reports, the two ministers are believed to have close relationships with Johnson and both criticize Sunak.

According to the British media, no matter who serves as the new Prime Minister, it will face a series of problems such as the current severe inflation, high debt, economic growth, and soaring people's living costs. However, these candidates need to survive the fierce party competition first, and some of them may suffer their opponents' malware. (Zhang Jing) (Xinhua News Agency special manuscript)

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