The self -confidence of Chinese girls is exaggerated | "Love Myth" Shao Yihui live broadcast

Author:Xindi Time:2022.07.13


I want to talk to you about your confidence tonight.

I don't know if you are a confident person in front of the screen, you can leave a message to tell me. But I know that a lot of people around me are not confident--

"Break up at the age of 30, doubt whether you are not worthy of love or do you understand love?"

"After finishing the project, the leader didn't say anything. Isn't I done it?"

This is not confident, especially girls.

Studies have shown that women are easier to doubt themselves than men and often underestimate their ability. In an article published in "Atlantic Monthly", it is mentioned:

If women only show self -confidence and do not show the same reason or altruism, they will face the "backburne effect", that is, because of breaking the established gender norms, it will be punished by the industry and society.

It is also because of the consequences of this "backbolic effect", women dare not express their claims and are not confident.

No woman can escape, even if it is a very popular movie "Love Myth", its director Shao Yihui has experienced unconfident and frustration.

In the fifth issue of the live broadcast "Mo Fan, Not a Big", we invited the screenwriter and director Shao Yihui to talk about the unconfident of women -how women's creation is suppressed.

She is a rarely praising herself and talked about "confidence". She said that she was just 60 points. But in the end, "The Myth of Love" has become a work that many people like. This road is not easy for a person who is confident.

She was also questioned and faced with the bondage of women, but today, she wants to talk to girls who are not confident, and also want more girls to break away from the shackles brought by unconfident. It can take 15 minutes, calm down and read the live broadcast essence we compiled for you. Bleak


Even if you have a moment of unconfidence, but even if you have stood up for a moment, you have defeated doubts and hesitation, and wish each woman walking forward elegantly. one,

Why don't girls dare not be confident?

Moderator: First of all, discuss a root cause, what do you think of Chinese girls generally unconfident? Why are girls unconfident?

Shao Yihui: This is related to history and culture, including the public media, as well as gender education since childhood, including what you hear at school, some thoughts instilled to you, and so on.

Because everyone's shoulders actually have a historical burden. In history, the fate of our women, she is always suppressed, I think today’s women can not be so confident, plus the whole of this. Planting atmosphere.

In the growth of most girls, there are more rules and suppression of the rules and suppression. welcome. These will affect us.

Moderator: What is your process of contacting the management, producer, and producer from the FIRST award. What is this journey? Have you panic? Haven't you confidently?

Shao Yihui: Passion must be panic. In fact, it has been 8 years since I graduated from Nortel, and I have not had any results before I participated in venture capital. Although I have been writing the script and writing novels, the script is serving others because it is entrusted to create.

My unconfident has been dragging my hind legs.

First of all, when I was testing the Film Academy, I thought that I was a relatively weak girl, and my body was not good, and my voice was very small. I was not suitable for directing. When I was in my studies, I passed the Department of Literature.

On the other hand, I am also thinking that it is because there are too few female directors, and I have not seen more successful templates. Then why I can do it myself, I will definitely fail.

After the first, first of all, this is the first time I have participated in a large -scale film festival in my life. It is also the first time to participate in venture capital. In fact, it was very unconfident at the time.

Especially after I went, I found that many of them had a small team, with their own producers.

When I compare it, I feel more mindful, thinking that they are really good.

Later, I read a lot of books, and I found that there was a report that there was a report that men and women were different when facing a post--

When women apply for a post, she usually needs to be fully prepared, or she still feels not enough. At the same time, she will consider what she has done in the past, but she is actually unconfident.

But when men apply for a position, he first considers his potential. Even if he has never done anything, he feels that I have the potential to do and apply.

Moderator: Many details in "Love Myth" such as collision between people and delicate expressions are particularly exciting. Especially for the shaping of the characters of the three women, they are just not perfect, and they may not be called a confident woman, but they have a special charm. How would you do in detail creation, when dealing with the characters of these three women, do some early settings and ideas?

Shao Yihui: When I was created, I didn't think it was a feminist work whether I wrote a script or shot or cut, or I didn't want to say that it had female consciousness. Of course, because I am a person with gender consciousness, no matter what I write, even if I write a suspense story, it will actually be written as such a woman, because this is the kind I like to recognize me.

When the movie was released, there were actually many sounds. Some people said that this was very feminist, but some people said that this was basically a fake feminist because it did not face the dilemma of real women, there was no workplace PUA, mother -in -law punishment Essence

But this is my choice. Because many times male directors and male screenwriters are showing the tragic misery of these women, as well as the pain they suffer, etc., to shoot their eyes is also full of sympathy.

But you think there are so many tragic women's images for so many years, I feel that the role of reality has not been much big. My personal narrow thought, it makes people feel that it is a normal thing, allowing more female audiences or sexual audiences to think that women should be like this, this is your life, to admit your fate.

I really don't want to repeat the fate of these tragic women anymore. I like to write some powerful, very powerful, or very resistant to the spirit, even if she is just full of ridicule, she ridicule men to tease herself. Whether it is confident or not, but first of all, she is not a tragic woman.

Moderator: What do you think of women's charm? What is the root of self -confidence?

Shao Yihui: I think first of all we have to think about the charm of women?

Personally, I think women's charm is first brave. She may have a lot of things without confidence, but I think you can try to try and bear it.

I also think it is important to include freedom. You have some free choices or free yearning, these are very attractive places.

At the same time, a sense of power, you have a sense of firmness, you have a belief in your choice.

Including I said that "beauty is not beautiful" to bind and bind to our women. I think a really attractive woman should first remove this bundle. First of all, don't care about beauty and beauty, don't care too much. Of course everyone loves beauty, but don't let this thing control you, you should control everything. So I feel that I have a sense of control, responsibility, and social responsibility. Of course, this is my own understanding of women's charm.

I think she cares about society and participating in public construction is also very attractive. These women should actually participate more, do not give these fields to men.


Women's friendship and female community

It is a way to protect women

Moderator: In fact, the actors of these women in "The Myth of Love" really like it. Whether it is Teacher Ma Yili, Teacher Wu Yue, and teacher Ni Hongjie, they are really cute. What do you see in these actresses, or share with us some female creators in the team, some of the feelings you see and observed in the team?

Shao Yihui: When I first contacted with the actor and the staff of the actor for the first time, I must know that I like this person. I also have to know that I can enjoy this time during the time I get along with him.

Now that they have chosen them, it is because I think we will be happy, enjoyable, and comfortable together, and I think it is very important.

Because I am not confident and experienced, but the sense of security they give me makes me feel that I do n’t even need to expose my ignorance and shallowness. Because I am also very frank, and they are also very real and sincere people, I think this makes everyone cooperate comfortably.

My producer Ye Ting is also a girl, just one year older than me, but she is also a very strong and capable girl. She has been helping me to advance. If I didn't find a good female producer, I think I might not be able to get it now. Especially for a newcomer director, I am really grateful.

I think the understanding between women exceeds the opposite sex, which is affirmative.

Our women's community, and those women will face gender -based experience, indeed many men cannot understand. So if you have the same performance with you in work and life, this sense of support and connection is very good.

Moderator: Many women in "Love Myth" help each other, and even say that they helped Lao Bai to complete his dreams, helping a specific event, and standing together in some things that are important in common. This is also some of the bridges you think you think is important here?

Shao Yihui: Yes, I think first of all our culture, the world's culture, and its friendship with women has been stigma.

Later, I also read a book called "Girls' Underground War". In fact, it said that why is it more likely to produce some isolation or hostile behind, not a positive attack.

This is because our culture has encouraged girls to be a good girl. The standards of good girls include being well -behaved, sensible, friendly, and not aggressive. At the same time, don't be angry, don't be naughty. But in fact, no one can do those, and it must be a robot. It is a wood. She is not a person, nor a woman.

Because you listen to these rules too much, you can't go to the front to express your demand, and it is more difficult to express your anger and other negative emotions. Therefore, especially in schools or in the workplace, women are more likely to form a small circle behind their backs, isolate others, and this kind of poisonous thing is conveyed in life and film and television works.

But I think we are aware of these now, and sometimes we think about who has been stigmatizing this kind of friendship, and we can think about it. Sometimes we have a bad relationship with a girl, such as What is the root of jealousy?

If in my movie, is it for such a middle -aged old white? The three women are beautiful, chic, attractive, and capable.

They are all mature. They know that we do n’t need to really be a man. There is no need to tear the face, and there is no need to do unpleasantness, and there is no need to take him seriously.

When you have this idea, your same -sex friendship will become more and more, but you will know more about the irreplaceability of female friendship.

Moderator: I think you are still in a very consistent way to speak with the way you think about the world, or forward some important issues. What do you think of us naturally on the Internet with gender? How do we make ourselves better?

Shao Yihui: I think first of all, every woman should do, because sometimes we must admit that in the world that the women's group is indeed a vulnerable group, many legitimate rights and interests are not protected, treated and faced.

So I think we have to face up to those issues, first admit that there is such inequality existence. I sometimes repost some women -related news.

Because of the community of women's destiny, in fact, everyone is the same destiny. I think this is also a matter of face to face. Every woman's fate has something to do with you. Of course, you can also say that every man, every creature on the earth has something to do with you, just say that women have a closer relationship with you. So I think as a woman should pay attention.


Be confidently dare to create a little bit

Fundamentally, it is to break myself and face it straight to the heart

Moderator: Our subtitle today is called "how to suppress women's writing", which comes from this book "How to suppress women's writing" that we like. Of course, this book is not to say how to suppress women's writing. In a sentence in the book translator, this book sounds like a guidelines written by men who lack security. It is about how our women break themselves and better realize the freedom and creation in their hearts.

Shao Yihui: Yes, yes, and I think this book is particularly good. It is very relaxed and humorous, but it also reveals some cruel facts. When you see these, you are really a little shocked.

It has a thin analysis. There are a few steps of contempt for women's creation, and there are several ways of contempt.

First of all, you did n’t write, because you have to take care of your family in the past, what do you have to make money, you have no energy to write, so if you write it, you must have a generation of writing, your male friend, your Husband is writing.

But if you write, you can see what she wrote, she usually writes some trivial things, and these cannot enter the orthodox of literature.

These male critics are looking for various reasons to deny that you are writing as a woman.

There is another book called "The Rights I Requested", which mentioned that: Men has a sense of knowledge. He feels that some power and authority, including knowledge, are all our male monopoly things. If women want to When I come over and insert, I will deny you, fight you, and slander you, and do everything. If these negatives cannot be wiped out of your credit, then you will start to stigmatize you personally, and mix your body and your passion with your creation. This is a conditional reflex problem. Therefore, a female creator is likely that the stigma she suffered is all -angle.

How to improve this situation? I think only more female creators come out. Whether it is a female writer or female director, only more and more people come out, so that they can't say, and those who scold you can not scold. More often, everyone can really face your creation. And less attention to your other things.

Moderator: How can we better protect our creation. Do you have any experience to share in this matter? Let yourself break this state of being suppressed.

Shao Yihui: I think it is still related to self -confidence, and you have your affirmation of your sense of value.

For example, I have always felt difficult to make movies in the past, and I am tired of making directors, so I have never dared to do it. So I also want to tell young women, especially women's creators and female directors. It is really not as difficult as you think. Because it is not difficult to do it, you have to do it before you know. Don't always imagine it, don't always degrade your ability too much. In fact, if you really do it, you will find that it is not so difficult. I think it was not as difficult when I was a screenwriter before. Of course, it may be because I was too unfortunate in the past, and this time I was too lucky.

But sometimes I really go to excessive guessing and imagination. If you really do it, you will find a lot. Even if you find that you really ca n’t, it is always more useful than you guess that you do n’t work.

Moderator: Some readers ask, what are the suggestions for college students who just graduated to become the screenwriter?

Shao Yihui: I think that the most important thing for many people who are the director or literature are not too anxious, especially the creative work.

Because I think of when I just graduated, and after graduation for several years, I was still in the process of studying. I don't believe that university can teach you how to create, no matter how you write a script or how to make a movie, whether it is Nortel, New York University, and Brother University, you can't teach.

This incident really has to do it slowly. I don't think you want to rely on your efforts. You have to think first, and you have to spend a lot of time doing exercises, especially in writing the script.

For some people who want to be a director, for young directors, I think the most important thing is that you have the ability to write script. Because I also see that many young directors may actually have a strong audiovisual language about the film on the film. His imagination or professional ability is very good, but he is worse on some texts.

Because text and script I really think it may be difficult to have geniuses, you just have to practice a lot, and then keep thinking and watching the film.

at last

Never give up a praise for every self -confidence or unconfident girl.

You may not understand how a praise will bring her different scenes and moods.

The representative of her, affirming the diversity of aesthetics, affirming her ability to work and life, and standing with her that she managed to say what she had said and did.

They faced a situation that was not recognized for too long.

This is the live broadcast of the fifth issue of "Mo Fan, Not Big", hoping to bring some help to you who are easy to inferior and doubt yourself.

Edit: Xin Zhe

- END -

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