Method to reveal it!Police exposure to the major pension fraud case fraud

Author:Guangdong Interpol Time:2022.07.14

Maybe you don't think of

In the case of pension fraud

Some elderly people learned that they were deceived

Also come to the police station to care about the suspect

Ask the police suspect to eat well

Well warm!

What does the scam gang use?

Is the old man so willing to be deceived?

Recently, the Dongguan police successfully cracked a project suspected of selling "old -age products" to carry out pension fraud. The amount involved in the case was 30 million yuan, and more than 300 victims were. This is a case of a major specialty of pension fraud detected by the Dongguan Police since the special operation of cracking down on pension fraud this year.

On May 25, the Dongguan police received a clue report that the store of the "Xiti" company in the Wanwen Road, Wentang Community, Dongcheng Street was suspected of selling health products to the elderly. After investigation, Dongguan Police successfully captured six suspects in the Wanwen Road store of "Ximei" company on May 31.

After further investigation, after analyzing the organizational structure, operation model, and profit method of the scam gang, the Dongguan police found out that the "certain Wei" company was involved in the case.

On June 11, the Dongguan Police organized more than 150 police forces to go all over the country to conduct a unified network collection operation on the criminal gang involved in the case. A batch of crimes such as mobile phones, computers.

Checking the secret!

"Four steps" routine induces the elderly to "enter the set"

Step 1: Send a leaflet, invite the elderly to the store to receive gifts for free

Gang members first distributed leaflets with names, contact information and addresses in the vegetable market, hospitals, parks, and pavements, and informed that the elderly could receive small gifts for free from the store with the leaflet.

Step 2: "Sitting instrument" free, pick the basic information of the elderly

When the elderly came to the store with the leaflet, the gang members would help them register for a 10 yuan card, and experience the "sitting instrument" in the store after the card. "Siter" will play some health knowledge and some cases of inconsistent illness due to improper health care. At this time, the gang members will wait for the opportunity to understand and collect the elderly's personal family information, economic capabilities, and medical history.


The gang members recorded the information collected in a detailed record and sorted out a "customer information form". The contact information, contact address, health status, whether they could go to the store, whether they were using health products and other information.

"Customer Information Form"

The threshold required by the scam gang when the recruitment workers are not high, but there is a little hard demand: Cantonese must be spoken. According to the suspect Liang, the members of the gang will choose to have the ability to buy among the elderly in the store, and they will deceive the elderly by concern or continue to call them to receive small gifts (such as oil and rice).

Step 3: "Clinic" is free, "lecturer" deceives the elderly trust

After basically mastering the history of the elderly, the gang members will organize the elderly to participate in the "diagnosis and treatment meeting" for free. Before the "diagnosis and treatment", the members of the gang informed the "lecturer" to collect the medical history of the elderly in advance, and then the "lecturer" "diagnosed" the elderly and pointed out physical problems to obtain their trust.

Guan Guan, the arrested "lecturer", also paid special attention to his personal image. When he was arrested, he went to the bathroom to finish his hairstyle and followed the police. After interrogation, the police found that there was only one chef certificate.

Step 4: Exaggerate product efficacy and induce the elderly to buy at high prices

Finally, by brainwashing the elderly, the "lecturer" exaggerates the company's product efficacy and seduces the elderly to have a wrong understanding of their physical conditions and product effects to achieve the purpose of inducing the elderly to buy cheap health products at high prices.

According to the suspect Liang, the members of the gang did not have any professional knowledge, but to communicate with the elderly according to the words of "discourse". The "talkbook" of more than 200 pages has detailed and systematically decomposed the eight "routines" knowledge of "a certain wei company", including how to talk to customers, how to invite customers, how to "reasonably" exaggerate product effects. Some cases that the elderly hear are actually born from the "storybook."


According to the price table of the "certain wei" company seized by the police, it can be found that the old people spend thousands of yuan or even tens of thousands of yuan of products. The actual factory price is only tens or hundreds of yuan. The rate is as high as dozens of times. For example, the 6 -bottled "Ganoderma spore oil" product is 408 yuan, but the purchase price of the elderly is as high as 13960 yuan.

Scam gang induces the cheap health care of the elderly to buy at high prices

It is worth mentioning that the four -ring "routine" is just the basic operation of the gang.

The police of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Dongcheng Public Security Branch introduced: "On May 31, when I led the team to the store to arrest the suspect, the gang members held a large fan fan, while playing fan fan, while talking to the old people, . There are fans and air -conditioning in the store. They do n’t need it. Do you say no wonder? Later, we found out that these 'routines' many elderly people could not resist at all. "

Police investigations found that the store has a very mature "family" service system. Each gang member will follow up according to the living habits and living conditions of the store customers (elderly people) to reinforce the emotional connection with the elderly.

"For example, they will regularly accompany the elderly to go to the vegetable market to buy food, clean the elderly, cook and cook, and even wash their feet. You said, for the elderly, especially the lack of children's company, they can resist refusingDo you do? What is even more angry is that after we caught the suspect, the elderly went to the police station to ask the police. The suspects were eating well and warm! "The police said.It is these "emotional cards" by the gang to the elderly.

Source Dongguan Public Security Bureau

Edit Yang Shuya Du China

Review Wang Bing

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