[Gansu Daily] Gansu issued 20 "hard core" measures to help small, medium and micro enterprises to relieve difficulties

Author:Gansu Provincial Taxation Bure Time:2022.07.15

The Office of the Leading Group of the Provincial Leading Group for Promoting SMEs and the Private Economic Development Work recently issued the "Notice on Implementing Several Measures on the Implementation of Persevere Assistance to Small and Micro -Enterprises and Micro -Enterprises", and proposed that it includes strengthening the support of bailout funds and implementing new combined taxes and fees support. A total of 20 "hard cores" measures such as policies and support for inclusive micro -micro loans have been further increased to help enterprises 'rescue efforts and help small and medium -sized enterprises' steady and healthy development.

The "Notice" proposes that localities must actively arrange special funds for small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, and increase support for small, medium and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households that have difficulty in the protection industrial chain and the affected affected situation. Implement the tax policy and measures that promote the resumed development of industries in the field of industrial growth and the service industry, and reserve the amount of value -added tax increases for the full monthly withdrawal of small and micro enterprises (including individual industrial and commercial households), which are eligible. The amount of corporate stock is reserved. Promoting the steady growth of inclusive micro -loans, the proportion of credit loans and first loan households continued to increase, and small and medium -sized enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households with difficulty in production and operation but good development prospects for the epidemic. The actual situation is supported by renewal loans, loan exhibitions, and adjustment of repayment arrangements to avoid lending, loan -drawing, and disconnection of loans.

The "Notice" proposes that all localities and departments should increase their support for stabilization, support enterprises to expand their jobs, and absorb more key groups such as college graduates. It is necessary to implement the expansion of social insurance premiums and the slow payment policies, other interested industries with severe impact on the epidemic, other industries that have difficulty production and operation in the industry, and in line with the national industrial policy orientation, expand the implementation of the implementation of slow payment, and the slowdown period for pension insurance premiums will be extended to 2022 to 2022 December 31st.

The "Notice" states that the supply chain of the industrial chain must be guaranteed, and the "white list" of the province's key industrial chain supply chain enterprises must be established, and the problems such as insufficient employment, funds, supplements, and product transportation encountered in the production and operation of enterprises. Improve transportation and logistics and keeping the capacity. The cancellation of unreasonable regulations and charges, and the truck driver implements a closed -loop management of "picking up and going". It is necessary to ensure the stable supply of small and medium -sized enterprises, encourage conditions for conditions to implement phased preferential discounts on small and micro enterprises and individual industrial and commercial households, reasonably arrange peak power consumption, and ensure the demand for small and medium -sized enterprises in the key links of the industrial chain.

Edit Design: Gansu Tax

Source: Gansu Daily Reporter: Cao Liping

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