Xinhua Full Media+丨 "Dr. Rice" Zhou Hongying: In 16 years, only a fine seed

Author:Xinhuanet Time:2022.07.15

Xinhua News Agency, Hefei, July 15th (Reporter Qu Yan) At 5 o'clock in the morning in the summer, the sky was already bright, Zhou Hongying got up early, drove an hour of car, and rushed to the breeding base outside the outskirts of Hefei.

July is one of the busiest time for Zhou Hongying's team. They have started the latest round of breeding experiments. The goal of this round of experiments is to cultivate a group of live rice stubborn rice suitable for planting in the Jianghuai area.

Recently, the temperature of all parts of the country has risen to high, and Hefei is no exception. "The outdoor temperature is too high, the paddy field is not ventilated, and the temperature is too high to work. We can only grab time with the sun." Zhou Hongying said that we must rush to the highest point before the sun and complete the morning breeding operations.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the heat waves were turbulent, and the rice fields were so hot that they couldn't get down. Back to the room, Zhou Hongying's soil was full of heat. Despite the full armed and strictly wrapped, her face was still reddish. "Too much sweat, sunscreen was washed away."

On July 12, Zhou Hongying wore sunscreen equipment and was ready to go to the field. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chan Yan

Zhou Hongying, "post -80s", graduated from Hunan Agricultural University in 2006 and entered the rice breeding industry after graduation. This year is the 16th year she joined the industry. After work, he obtained a doctorate degree, and colleagues were used to calling her "Dr. Zhou".

Zhou Hongying was born in the countryside of Lake, Yiyang Dongting, Hunan Province. His parents were farmers. When they were 7 years old, they followed her parents to work in the field. She was often planted with children next door.

"I often do it faster than them. The adults next to them are saying that you have to learn from Zhou Hongying." Zhou Hongying said that the reason why the ducks at home were waiting for her cooking.

In 1999, Zhou Hongying became the first college student in the village. Perhaps it was due to dealing with land from an early age. She chose an agricultural major, and it was 16 years.

In the year of the sophomore year, Academician Yuan Longping went to Zhou Hongying's school lecture. It was the first time she heard Yuan Lao's "Hexia Dream" at the scene. "I remember that Yuan Lao said that he wanted more people to eat rice, and he would never have to be hungry." Zhou Hongying on the stage heard blood.

During the master's and doctoral degree, Zhou Hongying was fortunate to be a disciple of Chen Liyun, a Chinese rice breeding expert. During his studies, Chen Liyun often took the students to go to the field to teach the knowledge of breeding in person. "Teacher Chen is 73 years old and is still taking students in Shimoda." Zhou Hongying said, this is her motivation to move forward.

As a child from the countryside, Zhou Hongying has personally experienced the changes in the national agricultural production method. From a childhood use of cattle farming fields, to the use of small mechanical cultivation, and to large -scale planting, "the change in my witness has made me full of my industry full of the industry. Confidence. "

Along with a series of strong farmers and agriculture policies issued by the country, Chow Hongying's rice breeding industry has also ushered in many good policies and technological innovation.

Most of the high -quality rice seeds need a team for about 10 years. In recent years, Zhou Hongying's team has used the molecular auxiliary marking breeding technology to shorten the breeding time to 5 to 8 years.

On July 12, Zhou Hongying's team worked in the field. Xinhua News Agency reporter Chan Yan

Zhou Hongying told reporters that during the breeding process, any individual traits such as high yield, disease resistance, anti -falling, and easy planting were not considered and could not obtain a good seed.

Today, Zhou Hongying's parents stayed in his hometown in Hunan, and there are still more than 10 acres of rice fields in the house. Every time she is listed on a new rice variety, she will always recommend it to her parents for the first time. "My family harvest is always very good, and neighbors often ask my parents to ask for seeds." This became the most proud thing for Zhou Hongying.

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the scorching sun was hanging in the air, and Zhou Hongying took several new "post -90s" that joined the team into the rice fields. The heat wave blurred their backs, and their deep and shallow footprints were left in the muddy rice fields.

[Editor in charge: Zhang Chaohua]

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