The Ministry of Public Security deployed to promote the "100 -day action" of summer public security and strikes

Author:Ping An Inner Mongolia Time:2022.07.17

The National Public Security Organs' Summer Public Security Campaign "Hundred Days Action" was held on July 15th. Chen Siyuan, a member of the Party Committee and Deputy Minister of the Ministry of Public Security, attended the meeting and delivered a speech. The meeting emphasized that the "100 -day operation" was good and progressive. In accordance with the deployment requirements of Minister Wang Xiaohong and the Party Committee of the Ministry of Public Security, with higher standing, greater determination, and more realistic measures, we will continue to promote the "hundred -day action" to advance in depth, resolutely maintain the people's lives and property safety and the overall social public security situation. Stablize.

The meeting requested that the "100 -day action" should be used as the primary task of the current public security work, enhanced awareness, took responsibility, and effectively deterned illegal crimes, and effectively purified the public security environment. Leaders of public security organs at all levels should play a key role, strengthen overall planning, dispatching and command; the "100 -day action" offices at all levels should play a leading role, highlight the key areas of listing rectification, key cases of account supervision and supervision office, and unified cluster campaign, unified unified cluster campaign, unified unity Organize the summer night public security inspection operation to ensure the efficient operation of the mechanism and the coordination of various special actions; various police types should play the main role, based on their own posts, focus on the overall situation, focus on outstanding issues, integrate the means of means of means, and build a synthetic combat mechanism; various police collaboration zones It is necessary to play a collaborative role, deepen police cooperation, strengthen joint operations, and effectively take "a plate of chess" and twist into "a rope". It is necessary to organize an advantageous police forces to carry out cases to do crimes, and to be afraid of illegal fists and ruthless hands on illegal activities that seriously affect the security of the people. It is necessary to organize the summer night public security inspection operations, and comprehensively use various methods to strictly prevent and control social prevention and control, so that the people can reassure the people. It is necessary to strictly implement the safety supervision measures of critical violations, and resolutely block management loopholes and eliminate hidden safety hazards. It is necessary to adhere to and develop the "Maple Bridge Experience" in the new era, actively promote the resolution of multiple prevention and disputes in contradictions and disputes, and timely resolve potential risk hidden dangers. It is necessary to strictly implement responsibilities, strictly supervise accountability, and strictly evaluate the effectiveness, and ensure that various measures are implemented. We must care about the police, scientifically arrange the deployment of duty, and ensure that the police are devoting themselves to the "hundred -day action".

The meeting informed the progress of the "100 -day action" of summer public security strikes.

It is understood that since the "Hundred Days Action", the nation's public security organs have attached great importance to it, organized carefully, and quickly moved in accordance with the unified deployment. There were 42,000 crimes with the characteristics of summer, seized 72,000 suspects of various types of illegal crimes, and investigated and resolved 394,000 contradictions and disputes, which effectively maintained the overall stability of social security.

Source: China Police Network

Editor: Zhang Xuejian

School pair: Wei Hanzhong Shen Cuiying

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