Chinese scholars who discovered the transportation of pyramid stones also participated in the investigation

The pyramids, especially the Grand Grand Pyramids in the Gibsa Highland of Cairo, ...

The Nile flooding festival, the Egyptians are popular

[Global Times specialist in Egypt, Huang Peizhao] The Nile River is the mother riv...

Tribe conflict, at least 31 people died

A tribal conflict occurred on the evening of the 15th, Sudan, in the evening of th...

Eat 80 villagers in 14 years!Even if the Uganda giant crocodile is brutal, it is difficult to escape the massacre

The incident of crocodile eating people actually happened from time to time, and t...

The iconic boat house along the Nile River will be demolished, and some local residents are reluctant

Jimu Journalist Sun YanThose who are embellished on the Nile coast and the colorfu...