Lin Qingxuan read the aroma of his life, but in this tea, he pursed a lack of breath and rushed into his throat.

Lin Qingxuan wrote in Wild Ginger Flower:The flowers of wild ginger flowers are li...

The 4 non -normal aroma of old white tea, 5 normal aromas, clearly explain one at one time

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

A fruit that Chinese talents understand, hiding the elegance that Chinese talents understand

In the autumn and winter seasons, the heavens and the earth are small, and everyon...

The purple sand pot is made of white tea, why did the tea fragrance weaken after two rushing?

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

There is no fragrance of white silver needle?4 o'clock to take you to understand the doubts in your heart

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

How can you smell incense when drinking tea?5 big skills are here

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

How to buy tea scientifically

The book of the Tang Dynasty medical scientist Chen Zangyi once said in the book Materia Medica Pickling: The medicines are medicines for each disease, and tea is the medicine of all diseases. Tea

Four abnormal situations of white tea, one occurs for one, indicating that the tea is broken

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

Two reasons, make your white tea lighter and lighter, no matter how good the quality is, you can’t save it.

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

4 questions, take you to see the nature of penetrating rock tea, don’t jump these "pit" anymore

丨 This article is original by the rock tea class of Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the ...

As long as the soup feels good, the aroma can be ignored. Is it true?

丨 This article is original by the rock tea class of Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the ...

Sterile is not summer!These 9 extremely umami, miss another year

From July and August each year, it belongs to Yunnan people. In summer, the rain i...

How to make old white tea and old tea?Remember 3 tricks, no longer be pitted

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

Is the three sins of light fire rock tea, the truth or rumor?

丨 This article is original by the rock tea class of Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the ...

There are so many types of tea sets. Why is "universal tea set" built a bowl?

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

Bai Jianyin needles can't smell the slightest, mostly related to 3 reasons

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

Will there be medicine in white tea for a few years?3 years, 5 years or 10 years?

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...

The white tea smells bad, sour, or not paste, is it good tea?

丨 This article is original by Xiao Chen tea丨 First of the People's No.: Xiao Che...