The "Administrative Measures for Expert Library" of the "Administrative Legislation and Major Administrative Decision Consultation and Consultation of the People's Government of Huangshan City" was announced

On August 22, the Administrative Legislative Legislative and Major Administrative Decision Consultation and Consultation of the People's Government of Huangshan City (hereinafter referred to as the...

Liaoning Province established the first batch of food safety sampling expert libraries

The reporter Zhao Ming reported that in order to give full play to the intellectua...

List of Putian Public Welfare Advertising Expert List List

Recently, in order to promote the formation of a benign mechanism for the high -qu...

The first 140 experts were hired!Qiqihar formed an emergency management expert library

In order to coordinate and coordinate emergency management resources and strength,...

National Health and Health Commission: The health literacy of residents in the country has steadily

We only have dozens of people who may benefit from the clinic once, and the popular popular beneficiaries will increase significantly. On June 10th, the All for the Health of the People's House -Ou...