Chinese representatives urge the United States and Canada to better protect the rights of indigenous people in the economic and social recovery after the epidemic

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, September 28th. On the 28th, Chinese representatives spoke at the annual discussion of the 51st meeting of the 51st session of the United Nations Council of Human Rights, s

Chinese representatives call on the United States, Canada, and Australia to seriously reflect on systemic discrimination and oppression of people suffered from people's land

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, September 28th. Chinese representatives spoke at the 28th of the Against Personal Rights and Expert Mechanisms of the 51st Session of the United Nations Human Rights Counci

Chinese representatives call on the United States, Canada, and Australia to seriously reflect on systemic discrimination and oppression of people suffered from people's land

Xinhua News Agency, Geneva, September 28th. Chinese representatives spoke at the 28th of the Against Personal Rights and Expert Mechanisms of the 51st Session of the United Nations Human Rights Counci

Is it a villain role in foreign invasion species?

On the earth where humans survive, millions of creatures coexist with us, and they...

Reuters: At least 10 deaths!Canadian indigenous reserves serial knife attack was arrested in the suspect fled

China Well -off. September 8th. The old horse Canadian police arrested a man on We...