Changsha Wangcheng: Tuanshan Lake Village 100 acres of lotus bloom!

Author:Wangcheng District Rong Media Time:2022.06.15

Cicada is shocked in Pinellia, Qingguang reflects lotus flowers

The sun is just right, the editor keeps working

Walk along the countryside of Tuanshanhu Village, Wushan Street

Not far away is a piece of green scenery

Nearly 100 acres of pieces of lotus booths stand up

Entering the "Lotus World" in Tuanshanhu Village

Youyouhexiang, refreshing

There are crisp frogs and cicadas in the ears

In the lotus pond, most of the lotus flowers have bloomed, but the degree of opening is different. Some have been completely open, and the color is tender and tender.

Some are still buds, just exposed a sharp horns from the water, petite and cute, and occasionally a little dragonfly flys.

Some have grown a lotus puff ... No matter what kind of posture, it is beautiful to stop and watch.

Walking on the field, looking at it, the lotus flowers are like stars, and the blue lotus leaf pavilions are like an umbrella.

A breeze was occasionally blowing on the lake, and the lotus and lotus leaves swayed with the posture. The white and pink flowers were extraordinarily pink and moving against the liquor leaf.

On the banks of the lotus pond, the houses of the villagers were scattered, the village roads were clean and tidy, and the courtyard was beautiful and comfortable.

"Now it's sunny, the lotus flowers bloom better every day, and the fragrance is stronger, and the best lottery season is coming." Lu Jie, a staff member of the Tuanshan Lake Village, introduced that the lotus here generally began in mid -late June. The flowering period is expected to end at the end of July.

"The lotus leaves are infinitely clear, and the lotus lotus flowers are red."

For the villagers of Tuanshan Lake, while these lotuses are dressed in their hometown, waiting for the lotus seeds to bred the lotus seeds, it also means the arrival of a bumper harvest.

It is understood that Tuanshanhu Village introduced Xianglian lotus cane company in 2015, and has transferred nearly 100 acres of land in the village. It has been 7 years now. Hua Xie's collection of lotus can bring 800,000 income to the villagers a year.

One lake is quiet and cool in summer

Summer, if you come to enjoy the lotus

Please pay attention to the environment and protect the environment, do a good job of sunscreen and mosquito repellent

Navigation Address: Shi Niotang, Wangcheng District, Changsha, Hunan Province

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