2022 National Day holiday sports tourism boutique line release!Hubei this route invites you to check in

Author:Hubei Daily Time:2022.09.24

Original title: The only one in Hubei! Yichang is on the list!

September 24

Joint release of the General Administration of Sports, Culture and Tourism

"National Day Holidays Sports Tourism Boutique Line 2022"

"Yijian Outdoor Sports Tourism Line" was successfully selected

It is the only one in Hubei

It is reported that Yichang Outdoor Sports Tourism Route

Total mileage 39700 miles

The line contains multiple national landscape parks

Specialty projects with characteristics

// Three Gorges International RV Camping Land

Experience jungle leap

Step by step and other cultural projects

// Bailihuang Gaoshan Grassland Tourist Area

Enjoy gliding, slippery, equestrian

Waiting for the joy of sports

// Yuan'an Taiping Top Forest Resort Hotel

Experience tent camping

Billiards, climbing boardwalks, etc.

// Qingjiang Tianlong Bay

Experience water sports, mountaineering adventure

Pickup Yichang Water Sports Holy Land

// Sujiahe Moon Bay Camping Base

Enjoy the joy brought by the parent -child swimming pool

Play board games, play billiards

Experience Tujia Folk Sports Culture

Welcome sports and tourist enthusiasts to Yichang to check in

(Source of the Voice of Hubei Cultural Tourism, Editor -in -chief of the Yichang Cultural and Tourism Bureau Tang Yuan)

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