"Longchang Cultural Tourism+Night Economy" invites Chengdu Metropolitan Circle

Author:Panda Time:2022.07.03

Pictured: Longchang Cultural Travel+Night Economy Entering Da Chengdu

In July, the fire, the hot summer fire. Today, many citizens who have taken the streets of morning exercises, buying vegetables or driving on the streets have seen a number of Cao Cao special car teams carrying the brand logo of the "Longchang Cultural Tourism+Night Economic" brand logo. Essence Some citizen friends stopped in the direction of the team and sighed: "Well, this is the source of the hometown of the Chinese stone archway and the source of the night economy!"

Pictured: Longchang Wen Travel is on Cao Cao to travel special cars

Longchang is located in the "axis heart" of the main axis of Chengdu -Chongqing. It is at an important node of open channels in the south of Sichuan. It is a pearl in the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor. In recent years, Longchang has taken the opportunity to create a famous tourist county in Tianfu. On the one hand, in accordance with the "one nuclear and four districts" cultural tourism functional area, it has created a new cultural tourism industry led by stone archway culture and Guyuhu Kangyang. The cluster, at the same time, actively integrates into the double circle, incorporate 7 villages including Guyu Village and Yinba Village into the boutique line of the Bashu Cultural Tourism Corridor.

Pictured: Yanyu Longchang

On the one hand, the integration of agricultural and cultural tourism is promoted, and the three -dimensional comprehensive breeding model of "rice and fish" is used to develop nearly 300,000 acres of rice fishing, citrus, and woody oil industry. 1 strong town, 2 provincial rice and fishing theme parks, and 80 rice fishing new villages, and 18 special agricultural brands such as Longchang rice shrimp, rice field shrimp and other characteristic agricultural brands. As of June 2022, 5,300 hectares of paddy field shrimp breeding has formed in Longchang City, with an annual output of about 9,700 tons of crayfish, and the output of crayfish accounted for 15 % of Sichuan Province.

As a "one of the domestic birthplace of night economy" in the scholars, Longchang integrates the deep integration of the cultural tourism economy, night economy, and agricultural characteristic breeding economy-

Pictured: Longchang Night Economic Scene

At this time, when the lantern was at the beginning, Longchang crayfish were strong. The garlic, spicy, fede ... In the streets of Longchang, various flavors of crayfish attracted guests in Bayang. Against the backdrop of warm -colored lighting, the beautiful archway is even more simple and thick; the small band with a guitar and singing moving songs, attracting tourists who come to play to stop and listen. Guyu Lake, Golden Lake surface, mountains like Dai, citizens leisurely walk around the lake path; tourists from Chengdu -Chongqing and surrounding areas, as well as local citizens appreciated the original family -friendly parent -child musical "Tori Street Street Street secret".

Pictured: Longchang Night Food Scene

According to the responsible comrades of the Wenguang Travel Bureau of Longchang City, this "Longchang Cultural Travel+Night Economy" took Cao Cao's special car into the vision of Da Chengdu. Promote the beauty of cultural tourism, the beauty of the night, and the beauty of food. It is also inviting more friends to come to Longchang, see the summer, watch the archway, eat crayfish, and taste the beauty of Bashu culture!

Photo source: Longchang Wenguang Travel Bureau, Cao Cao Big Data Research Institute

Edit: Little Flower Bear

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