Poetry Jing China | Poems and Far in Kaifeng

Author:Cultural Tourism China Time:2022.07.16

"Poetry Scenery China" is the original series of brand cultural columns launched by Cultural Tourism China. It integrates poetry culture, natural scenery, and humanistic style. : Beauty and beauty, beauty of beauty, beauty with the United States, the world.

Thousands of years of wind and rain, the times change, the iron tower is simple and heavy, and silently stare at the vicissitudes of the sea.

Tower Li Zheng Photo

In the well -known Shan, Shaanxi and Gansu Club, brick carvings, wood carvings, and stone carvings are three must -have.

Shannan and Gansu

At the moment of climbing to the Watch Pavilion, it seemed to activate the "cultural genes" that had been sleeping for thousands of years to explore the traces of time.

One city Song Yun • Tokyo Menghua

From the Jingjing of the Northern Song Dynasty to the Kaifeng today

The classic beauty of the Song Dynasty is still there

Open a seal

Recently, the hit drama "Menghua Record" ended perfectly. The play perfectly restores the elegant and vulgar market life of the Northern Song Dynasty, as if a three -dimensional "Qingming Shanghe Tu" opened slowly in front of it, making countless audiences fascinating, and this extraordinary metropolis at the time was Kaifeng, Henan.

Photo by Shen Lili, the city of the city

Kaifeng, referred to as "古", was called Luzhou, Liangliang, Jingjing, and Tokyo in ancient times. So far, there are more than 4,100 years of construction of the city and the history of the capital, and the Xia Dynasty, Wei Kingdom during the Warring States Period, the post -beams, post -Jin, Houhan, post -Zhou Dynasty, Song Dynasty, and the Jin Dynasty in the Five Dynasties. The name of the ancient capital "" Song culture ", which was born in the Tang Dynasty, enlisted and Qingqing, and influenced the far -reaching" Song culture ".

It is a well -known city in the world; it is unique and writes the beginning of modern cities. The thousand -year -old, gentle and magnificent Song poetry of "Qingming Shanghe Tu" all reappears its prosperous and glorious ... This issue of poetry scenery will take you into this low -key northern ancient city, remember the past years, take a look at the real Tokyo city The beauty.

Gardening: Each frame is an ancient painting

In Kaifeng, there is the freeness of Gou Nawashe, and there is also the poetry and painting of the garden to enjoy the forest. During the Northern Song Dynasty, the center of the Chinese gardening art was not Jiangnan, but in Kaifeng and Western Luoyang in Tokyo. It was undoubtedly a enjoyment in Kaifeng Garden Viewing Forest.

Hanyuan Beilin

Photo by Yang Shengnan, a stele of Hanyuan

Calligraphy is elegant, Han Mo Qianqiu. It integrates ancient and modern calligraphy and calligraphy inscriptions. It integrates landscape wonders and classical garden architectural arts in one garden. Here you can enjoy the ancient seal carved stone, Pin Huayun's poetic feelings, feeling ink and sewing, and reflect on the long history of the Chinese national culture.

Photo by Yang Shengnan, a stele of Hanyuan

Li Fen "Liang Liang Miscellaneous Poems"

Qi Shu Mingxia Wufeng Building, Yimen Emperor's Prefecture since ancient times.

The dressed champion of Wenchang Mansion, the Johskrace Seno tribe.

The wine is famous for Chen Guang, and the ebon swallow is sent to Huayi.

What is Qin Chuan, who is a white head.

In the poet's pen, Yushu is beautiful, Yunxia is brilliant, and the five Fenglou is gorgeous and delicate. Officials and gentlemen gathered in Shangshu Province, and the famous songs of the wine, soothing the low drums to send gorgeous incense cars ... truly restored the prosperous scenery of Jingjing City at that time.

Longting Park

Longting Park

In Longting Park, you can enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Beijing. Its beautiful buildings can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty. In the Northern Song Dynasty, Zhao Kuangyin was opened. During the Kangxi reign of the Qing Dynasty, Emperor Kangxi renamed the "Wanshou Pavilion" in the park with the emperor's tablet as "Longting", and the "Longting Park" was named.

Longting Park

Cai Xiang's "Shangyuan Should"

Gao Lian Qianfeng Baojun, and the door of Xixi Cuihua Lin.

The tour is not the three yuan night, and the music is also the same.

The light in the sky stays here, and the earth and Qi Pavilion Chunyin.

We must know how to celebrate Huafeng, and Hui Ai Shen.

This is a seven -character poem created by the Northern Song poet Cai Xiang. The poem describes the Lantern Festival of Kyoto (now Kaifeng) Lantern Festival, and the grand occasion of the king Lin Xing and the people. In the poet's pen, there are thousands of lanterns outside the palace, and countless treasure candles are lit and bright everywhere. With the good scenery of the "clear light in the sky" and "the world", they praised the election of the Taiping period during the Song Renzong period. Qifeng Old Garden

Qifeng Old Garden

In Qixian Town's Qifeng Garden, the Qifeng Building built from tenon -and -mortise is undoubtedly the iconic building here, which is the largest archway in China. Stopping here is like traveling around the world for thousands of years.

Qifeng Old Garden

Meng Lao's "Tokyo Menghua Record"

Take the eyes of the Qinglou Pavilion, embroidered the bead curtain.

The carved car competes for Tianjie, and BMW is running for Royal Road.

Jin Cuidan, Luo Qi fluttered.

In "Tokyo Menghua Records", the courtyard of private houses is as gorgeous as gardens. Looking at it, the gorgeous car rushed against the streets. The precious BMW indulge in Mercedes on the street, inlaid with gold, and the eyes of Luo Jiu Qian drifted the aroma ... Write the bustling scene of the metropolis.

Tianbo Yangfu

Tianbo Yangfu

Tianbo Yangfu is the mansion of Yang Ye, the hero of the Northern Song Dynasty. It was originally located next to the Jinshui River in the northwest of the capital of Tokyo (now Kaifeng) in the Northern Song Dynasty. The stories such as "Siro Detective Mother" and "Twelve Widow Wizes West", which are circulated in the people, are all related to here. Today, a loyal Yang family will have been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even though time is thousands of years, they are still the brightest stars, all over the night sky.

Tianbo Yangfu

Liu Yong's "Broken Formation" festival

Delosa reflection, smoke dipped in blue, and the swamp waves are warm.

Jinliu shakes the wind tree, is a lottery dragon boat.

Thousands of steps Hongqiao, geese teeth, straight towards the water hall.

Wandering in the golden embankment, Manyan fish dragon drama.

Cluster Jiao Chun Luoqi, noisy silk tube.

The color is glory, and it seems to see it, and Penglai is shallow.

This word depicts the grand occasion of the monarchs and scholars after March 1 of the Northern Song Dynasty, and the monarchs and scholars will enjoy the grand occasion of Jingmingchi, which vividly reflect the prosperity of Renzong. It was an artistic record of urban style at that time. Customs drawing.

Reasons for planting grass: restore the old garden of historical and ancient appearance, the green river water, the curved arch bridge, the shuttles of the cottage, the ancient restaurant, the ancient street of the blue stone slab, and the pavilion of the green brick Daishi, which makes people feel like Crossing thousands of years and coming to the ancient capital of that prosperous world. ——

Reasons for grass: The main hall is the main hall of Longting, with majestic and brilliant. With water, a city added a spirituality. Long Ting Park has Pan Yang Erhu Lake, climbing to the Longting Hall, overlooking the beautiful scenery. ——Admu board commemorative album

Visit the old street: witness Kaifeng for thousands of years

If you want to understand a city, it is best to visit its hutong, stay away from the car water, and look at the city's fireworks to smell the city's most original ecology and breathing. Entering the old streets of Kaifeng, watching the mark on the corner of the corner, the scenery scattered in the landscape of the hutong, don't have a charm.

Urban Light and Shadow Zhang Xiuying Photo

Li Qingchen's "Feng Xiu Ducheng Ji" festival

However, I have a magnificent weather, and it is peaceful.

Kaifeng City not only has a complete waterway system, but also a very developed dry road system. It is precisely because the roads in Kaifeng, the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty are broad and developed, so "eight wastes are competing, and all the countrys are salty."

Historical records record that Tokyo, the Northern Song Dynasty, covers an area of ​​about 54 square kilometers. The outer city, the inner city, and the imperial city layer the layers. For thousands of years, Kaifeng's city structure has been well protected, the central axis of the city has never changed, and the texture of the streets has continued to this day. Stopping in the ancient city seems to cross time and space.

Drum tower

Drum tower

The Gulou District, located in the central area of ​​Kaifeng, has a bustling ancient street and ancient buildings with long history and ancient buildings with bustling bookstore streets, Malaysia Street, Laoging City Street, Temple Hou Street, and carries heavy urban cultural memories. Walking in these old streets, you will slowly slow down, move the camera at any time, and capture the ancient city of the ancient city that seems to have known each other, but gradually get away.

Bookstore Street

"Once I went to Beijing, I went to Liangyuan in the ten years." During the Tang Xuanzong Tianbao years, Li Bai lived near the Liangyuan of Luzhou (now southeast of Kaifeng City) in Luzhou. Li Bai, who was able to put "unrestrained and freedom in his life", trapped in a chief for ten years, which shows the moving scenery and humanistic feelings.

Li Bai, Du Fu, and Gao Shi have been drinking poems here, and also left popular long -character articles such as "Liang Yuanyin".

Li Bai's "Liang Yuan Yin" festival

In the past, the people were bold and believed to be the tomb of Lingling.

The deserted city is in Bishan Yue, and ancient wood is all into Cangwu Cloud.

Liang Wanggong is now available? Mei Ma returned to each other.

The dance shadow song is scattered green pond, and the remaining water is flowing in the east.

The tears were full of tears, and the gold was drunk and could not return.

Lianhu five white lines and six blogs were divided into Cao gambling wine.

Shuanglong Lane

Shuanglong Lane

Kaifeng has a special feeling for old streets, which originated from the most profound memory of this ancient city of their hometown. Now, in Shuanglong Lane, you can still see the more complete courtyard houses so far, walk into the alley, step into the home house, and experience the past of history carefully.

Shuanglong Lane

Zhang Shuzai "Liangyuan Snow"

Watching Xue Fei from Liang Yuan, Zou Meng was faintly faint.

Today, Ruixu hangs high, and the good sleeve platform is returned.

"Liangyuan Snow" is one of the eight scenic spots in Jingjing. The prosperous scenery is extremely beautiful, and many poets are described. The wind and snow stop, the clouds are scattered, when the sun rises, Liangyuan's silver is wrapped in the silver, and it is extremely enchanting.

Seven -horn

Some people once said that the most beautiful scenery in Kaifeng is at every corner of the street, carrying thousands of years of culture. Qishengjiao is also such an old city of ancient city. The tall eaves, the winding courtyard, the streets and alleys echo the waterfront, lake, lotus pond, and stone bridge. Under the shadow of water wave lamps, there is no artistic conception.

Reasons for grass: When the entrance of Qisheng came out, the door of Qingming Shanghe Garden was still crowded, but the night at the door of Qingyuan was quite beautiful. ——Mad little lady

Reasons for grass: locals are calm and serenity, few quarrels, cheap and affordable streets, and have the same heavy temperament as Xi'an. —— Lin Qinglu

Night is too beautiful: Hua Lan swims to Liang Liang at the beginning of the night

"Tokyo Menghua Record" records: "The night market did not make it again, and the five were again opened."

Kaifeng City Wall

Kaifeng at night is very special. The street strolling and small strolls in the scenic area are good choices. If you come to the night market to eat a meal, the fatigue of a day disappears, and the beautiful life is just that.

Great Song Yuhe

Great Song Yuhe

"Tokyo Menghua Record" records that the state bridge, the name of the Tianhan Bridge, is facing the Da Nei Royal Street. The shops and restaurants on both sides of the strait are prosperous, and Sheng Ge is connected. On the night of the month, "the two sides of the strait, the bright moonlight shot", the clear moon is right, the crowd of the bridge watching the moon comes, bustling. People overlook the river surface, the moon waves are pan, and the bright moon sinks to the bottom.

Songdu Royal Street

The Song people traveled to the Luohe River and appreciated the Tokyo scenery. Today, people can travel through the Kaifeng in the Great Song Yuhe Scenic Area and dream of returning to the Song Dynasty. At night, the Great Song River is overflowing with color, the water and light of the water, the clear water stretching, and the forests of the pavilion of the water side.

Zhang Zhijun "Royal Radio"

Bai Juyi "Sui Di Liu" festival

From the east of the Yellow River to Huai, the green yin is 1,300 miles.

In the last spring and the moon, the willow color is like smoke.

There is also a scene in the eight scenic spots of Jingjing: Sui Di Yanliu. Poet Bai Ju's poems burst out and wrote this poem. In this phrase "1,300 miles of green and yin", it is enough to imagine that the green willows are shaded on both sides of the Sui embankment.

Qingming Shangheyuan

Photo by Zhai Baomin of Qingming Night

The eternal painting "The Tu Tu Tu", the scenery of the Luohe River occupies two -fifths of the length of the scroll, which shows the charm of this "northern water city". The Qingming Shangheyuan is a large -scale Song Dynasty historical and cultural theme park built as a blueprint. Now you can still see the city of Tokyo in the Northern Song Dynasty. As the night fell, tens of thousands of lanterns in the park were lit at the same time, beautiful, as if they were in Jingjing City and enjoyed a visual feast.

Qingming Shanghechun · "Great Song · Tokyo Menghua"

Zhao Yan's "Eye Meimei · Yujing Zeng Recalling the past"

Yujing Zeng remembering the past, the emperor's house.

Qionglin Yu Hall, towards the tube, twilight.

Huacheng people went to Xiao Suo today, and spring dreams around Husha.

Where to listen to the flute and blow the plum blossoms.

The film of this word recalls the prosperity, luxurious palace gardens, and the sound of the string of the string. The next film expresses the nostalgia of the former country through the memories of the life of Jingjing. Huacheng has long been empty and Xiao Suo is too cold. Although he is in a remote place where the yellow sand is in the sky, the prosperous and spring Jingjing still lingers in his dreams ... I don't know how many future generations of the future generations have been aroused.

Liang Liang Xiao Songcheng

Its architectural style is combined with ancient and modern, simple and simple atmosphere, and antique inside. In the evening, stopping here, there was a frustrated screaming sound in the ear, overlooking the beautiful scenery of Kaifeng City, full of fireworks, and pulled people's memory to the brilliant dynasty more than a thousand years ago.

Liang Liang Xiao Songcheng

Li Qingzhao "Yong Yu Le · Sung Sun Meltry"

The sunset is melted, and the dusk is combined, where is the person.

Dye Liu Yanong, blowing Mei Di resentment, Chunyi knows a few times.

The Lantern Festival, melting and weather, there is no wind and rain.

Come to call each other, Xiangxiang BMW, thank him for his poetry.

In Zhongzhou Shengri, the boudoir has a lot of time, remember to focus on three or five.

Putting Cui Guan'er, twisting the golden snow willow, and the cluster to fight for the Chu.

Now, the wind and frost are afraid of seeing going out at night.

It is better to listen to people with laughter.

This word is the work of Li Qingzhao's refuge in his later years, writing her feelings during a Lantern Festival. The last film of the poet expresses the sad mood of the Lantern Festival of the Lantern Festival, focusing on the cheerfulness of objective reality and the desolation of her subjective mood.

The author of the word of the word used her joyful mood to pass the Lantern Festival in Jingjing before Nanku, compared with the current desolate scenery. Write a strong sense of the past and the sorrow of the personal life in a very expressive language.

Gulou Night Market

Gulou Plaza

"If you want to make a noise, all night", Gulou Square is the largest night market in Kaifeng today. At the beginning of the lantern, the diets of all colors gathered, the fragrance was tempting, the crowd was bustling, and it was lively. On the city building, the golden is brilliant, creating a dreamy effect, and reproducing the glory of Tokyo's glory.

Reasons for planting grass: The Qingming Shanghe Garden is located on the west of Kaifeng Longting Lake. As soon as the entrance is a wide style of the main road, antique buildings, and ancient clothing staff, black copper sculptures or beige on the roadside From time to time, stone carvings have a sense of crossing. ——Setaphors

Reasons for grass: Kaifeng Gulou night market is far away from the country.Looking at it from a distance, the first thing that came into view was the Drum Tower, which was very beautiful in the night.——Windzi Hong Da Song Yuhe

"Looking for dreams in Song Yunqing Mingming, intoxicated in the chrysanthemum wind in October", how many people stopped, just to look at this famous city, entered the picture roll, one day of dreams to return for thousands of years, appreciating the ancient capital of the ancient capital, and the ancient capital is different.slow life.

Photo source: Kaifeng Culture, Radio, Television and Tourism Bureau

Xie Xie: Kaifeng Culture, Radio, Film and Television and Tourism Bureau

Produced: Li Xia

Planning: Shao Junlin

Edit: Hao Junzi

Recording: Yang Zisi

School pair: Wu Shuangying

Review: Gao Ting

Produced: Shijing China Studio

Editor -in -chief: Li Yang

- END -

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