Panhelin: Digital government construction should attract market players and the public to participate together

Author:Cover news Time:2022.08.02

Cover reporter Ouyang Hongyu intern Shao Lijun

With the rapid development of information technology, the digital government has become the general trend. A few days ago, the State Council issued the "Guiding Opinions on Strengthening the Construction of Digital Government" and made deployment of "actively conforming to the trend of digital transformation of economic and socialization, fully released digital development dividends", and "comprehensively launched a new situation of digital government construction".

When the construction of the digital government is promoted to a new height, what support will technology be provided for government governance? What are the obstacles to be eliminated? On August 2nd, Pan and Lin, co -director of the Digital Economy and Financial Innovation Research Center of Zhejiang University International Business School, stated that the era of large -scale promotion of digital government construction in the country has arrived. Building a digital government needs to improve governance capabilities and build service -oriented governments. Let's start with the government's internal systems and data, and drive the development of the digital economy by the government's digitalization.

The construction of the digital government is in full swing, but it also faces a lot of obstacles, including the system and mechanisms to be dredged, the compatibility of the laws and regulations, the data barriers of various departments within the government, and the bottlenecks of government -enterprise cooperation.

"The government is not only a 'product manager', but also a soft environment provider implemented by the digital government and the executor." Panhe Lin believes that urban governance has shifted from extensive to fine, from governance to "intellectual". At the entrance, breaking the situation of "nine dragons and water control, each control one stall".

First of all, take the internal organizational design of the government as the entry port to allow the government to be able to promote the progress of the construction of the digital government. Digital technology is to cut into the port and use artificial intelligence to enhance the governance capabilities in various fields. In addition, it is based on social forces and market entities to build the digital government as the entry port, use social forces, reduce the cost of digital government construction, continuously improve the ability of the digital government to deal with problems, and strengthen the level of governance.

At present, domestic digital governments are accelerating landing. For first -tier cities, digital governments have been deeply bound with smart cities; in small cities and villages, government management capabilities have also been effectively improved with the help of the digital government. In the future, how should we further improve the construction of the digital government?

"The foothold of the digital reform is the public. The most important thing to build the digital government is to participate in it." Pan and Lin said that the construction of the digital government needs to rely on the support of the market and the public. "For the market, we must build the digital government through market forces, and use competition to optimize the allocation of resources, clarify the boundaries of government and enterprises, and make the construction cost of digital government lower and better effects. For the public, the government and the public must be established. The communication platform between meters encourages the public to be unreasonable for the design of the digital government, and timely feedback to the government level to achieve the diverse participation and co -construction sharing of the digital government construction. "

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