Xinhua Full Media+| Reporter takes you immersive and experience the new trend of cultural tourism consumption

Author:Xinhua News Agency Time:2022.09.01

At this year's service and trade meeting, the special exhibition of cultural tourism services has made a wonderful appearance with a novel and unique style.The exhibition area gives full play to the integration advantages of digital technology and cultural tourism industry, exhibit many innovative products and applications, and use an immersive exhibition experience to allow the audience to experience the new hotspots of cultural tourism.

The exhibition area combines offline and offline methods, and comprehensively displays the "hard cores such as online live broadcast+offline interaction" consumption through the immersive experience of intelligent application scenarios, "online live broadcast+offline interaction" consumption."Technology", as well as new services such as digital music, online audiovisual, digital cultural tourism, national tide culture and creative new products.

Reporter: Sun Lei, Xia Zilin


[Editor in charge: Xu Haizhi]

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