Lu Fu'an, President of the Primary School of Nanjing Lotus Experimental School: Be a seed of reading

Author:Yangzi Evening News Time:2022.09.01

On September 1, the new semester of autumn starts. Let's listen to the principal's message together and start a new semester in the blessing.

Classmates, Xu Feng sent Xia's hotness, bringing the high autumn. In this autumn season, the new semester is coming. First of all, on behalf of all teachers of the school, all the teachers of the school have extended a warm welcome to the students! This year, we also ushered in 124 younger brothers, younger sisters! Let's welcome them to join with warm applause!

In the new semester, I hope my classmates: make a seed of reading! Reading is the best way to grow!

Children who love to study are the most beautiful. Every morning, the soothing and melodious ancient poetry soundtrack recites on the campus. The school opened the door of the classics of Chinese culture for us. There is the happiness of "fish and lotus leaves". The pride of "hanging the clouds and saving the sea".

When we strolled the campus and saw the students who came to the school early, sitting in the class carefully carrying ancient poems and reading the texts. That scene was the most beautiful. Some classes are even one classmate when only one classmate goes to the school, and also sit on the seat straight and read aloud. This is the most beautiful gesture;

Many classmates recite together, recite the classrooms, echoing on the campus, clean, beautiful, this is the most beautiful music. This is the sound of natural sounds.

在中午、在课间,我们很多同学聚集在图书转角,有的趴着,有的坐着,还有的躺着,无论怎样的姿势,都在认真的读书,那样的自由,那样的舒展, That kind of joy, at this time you are the most beautiful scenery.

Library, playgrounds, corridors, gardens, and school entrances often leave your readings, natural, serious, and focused. Such a figure is also the most beautiful!

Langlang's book, you who are holding books, and the forgetfulness of the corner bookshelf constitute the most beautiful lotus campus!

After a while, our secretary and principal will also give them to first -year children's books, and skipping rope, etc. I hope that children can read carefully from the first grade, open the door of our learning with reading, love campus, love reading, and love reading. Love sports and be physically and mentally healthy. Because you are the most beautiful!

Children who love to study are the most confident. Reading allows us to gain more knowledge. The more knowledge, the more knowledge will be connected to each other to form a knowledge network. In this way, when you want to express on any occasion, you will adjust the accumulated knowledge from the treasure trove of the brain. With knowledge, we can express freely, speak boldly in the classroom, take the initiative to show in the activity, and prove it in the debate, and actively perform on the stage. With such a performance, we will become more confident and more sunny. We are confident, the sunshine, all difficulties will give way in front of us. You think, you can overcome difficulties, you are a great person.

Children who love to study are the purest. Reading will make our minds broad, we will know the greatness of the motherland, we will be proud of our great motherland, and we are more willing to pay our wisdom and power to build the motherland. We presented to the 20th National Congress with actual actions. Reading will make us love our campus more, love our classmates, love our teachers, love our parents, love nature, and love society! Will get along with the world in harmony! Love makes you a modern person who is pure, inside and outside and Yi.

Campus is the place where we are reading. Students studying are the most beautiful. The campus of reading is the most beautiful campus! Reading, you will meet a more beautiful self and enjoy the more beautiful scenery! To sow the seeds of love to read, we will grow into towering trees!

Source: Nanjing Lotus Experimental School Primary School

Edit: Qin Xiaoyi

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