rush to the rescue!50 ambulances arrive at Daqing

Author:Heilongjiang Daily Time:2022.09.04

September 2nd

50 ambulances supporting Daqing resistance

Dismiss smoothly

According to reports, in order to help enhance the grass -roots medical and health service capabilities of Heilongjiang Province, the Hanhong Foundation plans to carry out the "Han Hong Love · Hundred People Aid Hei" public welfare operation in Heilongjiang Province, including donating 50 ambulances.

The donation ceremony was postponed due to the recent emergence of Heilongjiang Province.After communicating with the Provincial Health and Health Commission and the provincial epidemic prevention and control headquarters, the Hanhong Foundation decided to donate 50 ambulances donated by 50 counties (cities and districts) originally planned to be in Heilongjiang Province.Daqing epidemic prevention and control and emergency first aid.After the epidemic situation in Daqing City is relieved, all vehicles will return to the county and district hospitals after disinfection and hygiene cleaning, for the development of grassroots medical work.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Municipal Health and Health Commission

The 50 ambulances just arrived

It will follow the distribution scheme

Quickly distribute to medical institutions and districts

Source: Lottery News

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