12 party members of the first secretary service team in Qinghe Town, Yutai wrote "Please Battle Book"

Author:Yutai Rong Media Time:2022.09.07

Jining News Network (Reporter Wang Tongsong Correspondent Li Shizhong Huang Shiteng) clenched his fist and solemnly swore. "I voluntarily put in the front line of the epidemic prevention and control of the village, and went all out to the epidemic prevention and control work. I contributed to winning the prevention and control of the epidemic. The words from the heart of the lungs echoed over the station of the first secretary service team in Qinghe Town, Yutai County. Twelve party members solemnly signed their names and pressed the bright red handprints, representing the determination of all the first secretary. On September 3, the temporary party branch of the first secretary service team of Qinghe Town, Yutai County held a special conference on epidemic prevention and control in an open -end epidemic in this form.

The meeting pointed out that recently, the epidemic prevention and control situation is severe. The first secretary should play the role of "pointed", carry forward the work style of "strict, true and fast", and further cooperate with the prevention and control of the immortal (community) epidemic. The meeting requested that to improve the ideological understanding, the first secretary of Qinghe Town should show the assisted cadres in the epidemic prevention and control, play the role of the first secretary to assist, and assist in assisting the village "two committees" to do a good job of prevention and control, take the initiative, participate in themselves, participate in themselves. The epidemic prevention and control is the first line; we must strengthen the awareness of responsibility, strictly implement the requirements, and cooperate with the arrangement and control. In strict accordance with the relevant provisions of the superiors, at the main intersection of the village, the entrance to and in and out of the community to check and set up a card inspection, etc., we will work together to protect the safety and physical health of the people of the people, and resolutely win the prevention and control of the epidemic.

Look at it at a critical moment. After the meeting, the captain of the first secretary service team of Qinghe Town, Yutai County led the team to go deep into Xiangli Village, Caiwang Village, Dutun Village, Wanglou Village, Hexin Village, Mahe Village, Zhangzhuang Village, Daxue Village and other gangs Fucun inspect and guide the development of the first secretary of the villages in the village.

At each village epidemic prevention and control checkpoint, Liu Peiyuan carefully listened to the introduction of the outbreak prevention and control work of the municipal and county -oriented first secretary, and learned more about the situation of key personnel, prevention and propaganda, etc., and insisted on posts during the two breaks. Thanks for comrades.

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