Zero newly added yesterday!Reminder: After returning to the ears, be sure to do a good nuclear acid for three days and two inspections

Author:Guangzhou Baiyun released Time:2022.09.12

Mid -Autumn Festival holiday is about to end

Guangdong Traffic Police Research

It is expected to be today (September 12) 15-12:00

A return peak

Guangdong Centers for Disease Control and Control

Cross -provincial travel and landing inspection

From September 10, 2022 to October 31st, when taking aircraft, high -speed rail, train, cross -provincial long -distance passenger cars, cross -provincial passenger ships and other transportation, 48 -hour kernel acidic acid test negative proof is required. In accordance with the principles of "voluntary, free, ingredients, unlimited flow", after arriving at the destination across provinces, they actively cooperated with the local "landing inspection".

Health management after returning

1. After the return journey, do a good job of self -health monitoring. After returning from going out, you should pay close attention to the physical condition of yourself and the family. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, smell of smell, sore throat, etc., you will go to the medical institution for investigation as soon as possible. Before the nucleic acid detection negative results come out, do not take the bus and subway, and go to get off work "two o'clock" to reduce the gathering of staff.

2. Pay close attention to the epidemic trend. After returning, if you find that you have been in high -risk areas for nearly 14 days, and cities with local epidemic reports, transportation with positive personnel or activity trajectory, please report to the community and cooperate with the epidemic prevention and control measures.

3. Promote all cross -city travelers to carry out nuclear acids for three days and two inspections after returning.

Guangzhou Municipal Transportation Bureau reminds

Please pay close attention to the general public

The latest epidemic prevention and control dynamics

Passengers with travel plans

Prepare 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof

Preparation for inspection

Self -protection should be done on the way to travel

Comply with the requirements of on -site order and epidemic prevention management

What needs to be reminded is

Anyone who comes from other places to ears and returns from other places

Before departure

Fill in the itinerary on the Suikang code applet

You should be timely after returning to the ear

Examination to the local community

After the crossing of cross -marketing personnel returns

Carry out nucleic acid three days and two tests in time

Click the applet card below


Detailed risk zone query

Please enter the applet to view

广州Reminder of the latest travel prevention policy

Please enter the applet to view

Baiyun District nucleic acid detection point


Note: In the end, the actual nucleic acid detection point is set, and the specific point of the town street is subject to.

On September 11

From 00:00 on September 11, 2022, there are no new local diagnosis cases and asymptomatic infections in the city. Twelve new overseas input cases were added, namely Thailand, Cambodia, Nigeria, Oman, Guinea, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Australia each input, and 2 cases of each input of South Korea and the UAE; One case was entered by Laos, Kuwait, South Korea, Germany, and Sri Lanka.

After entering the above -mentioned overseas input diagnostic cases and asymptomatic infected people enter the country, transfer to the concentrated quarantine point according to the closed -loop management program. During the isolation period, the positive nuclear acidic acid is the isolation treatment of the eight hospitals affiliated to the city of Guangzhou Medical University.

Guangdong Province's latest new crown pneumonia epidemic situation

At 0-24 on September 11th, 14 new local diagnosis cases were added in the province (14 cases in Shenzhen); 11 new native symptoms were added (11 cases in Shenzhen); and 3 other symptoms of infected infections were transferred Cases (1 case of Shantou, 1 case of Huizhou, 1 case of Jiangmen). There are 20 new overseas input cases in the province (12 cases in Guangzhou, 3 cases in Shenzhen, 2 cases of Zhuhai, 1 case of Shanwei, and 2 cases of Zhongshan); 16 cases of new overseas input non -symptoms (5 cases of Guangzhou, Shenzhen 7 cases in Shenzhen , 1 case of Huizhou, 3 cases in Dongguan); another case of an asymptomatic infected infected infected from the diagnosed case (1 case of Zhuhai). Strictly prevent epidemic spread

Guarding residents' good health

Guangzhou Centers for Disease Control and Control

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The following (back) people, and all Suikang code "red code" and "yellow code" personnel, please actively report with the community (village), units, hotels, or through the Suikang code applet (back) The Shouju function actively reports and accepts the corresponding health management of the community.

"Guangzhou Baiyun" WeChat Mini Program

It has been officially launched a few days ago!

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