The correct method of opening windows and ventilation during the epidemic, see here →

Author:Tibetan Daily Time:2022.09.22

On September 22, at the 45th press conference of the new crown epidemic prevention and control work in the autonomous region, Hou Gaobin, a member of the Tibet Autonomous Region Epidemic Prevention and Control Expert Group, Deputy Director and Chief Physician of the Autonomous Region Disease Control Center, opened the window for residents of the community during the epidemic situation. The ventilation question was answered in detail.

At the conference site. Reporter Dan Zeng Lanze Photo

Hou Binbin introduced that currently believes that through the respiratory tract droplets and close contact, it is the main way to propagate the new crown pneumonia. In a relatively closed environment, it can be transmitted through gas solution, and items that are contaminated by viruses may also cause infection.

The purpose of opening window ventilation is to strengthen indoor and outdoor air circulation, and maximize the risk of closed environmental air -solicit -like transmission. Opening window ventilation can also keep the indoor air fresh, which is beneficial to improve physical immunity, thereby enhancing the ability to resist virus infection. Therefore, in most cases, we suggest that you can open more windows and ventilation under the conditions of the sunny weather and outdoor temperature to increase indoor air circulation, 2-3 times a day, 20-30 minutes each time. Pay attention when opening the window ventilation. Prevent and warm, avoid colds.

However, some special circumstances, such as the positive case rooms in the community are close to their own, there is a possibility of infection from the air from the case from the case to its own room.

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