Destinating+exercise, the man is 30 pounds for two months!There was a problem after swimming for two hours in a row ...

Author:Jiangsu News Time:2022.07.06

32 -year -old Mr. Li this year

In the past two months, we lose weight by diet and high -intensity exercise

As a result, two hours after swimming

Symptoms such as gastrointestinal spasm and limb convulsions

"First of all, stomach cramps, back -body cramps, hands are still numb. We let him close his mouth, breathe with his nose, slow down, and control the frequency of breathing." Liu Siyang, an emergency physician of the Yuelu Mountain District of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital Combined with the time judgment of Mr. Li's swimming, it is likely to be a disorder of electrolyte.

"I just ate the salt bag in the instant noodles, and then gave him a little noodle, and drank functional drinks." Said the swimming pool staff.

Mr. Li's wife introduced that her husband was losing weight in the past two months, and often did not eat or eat less than three meals a day.

"I have lost 30 pounds in two months, and he said that he has a scientific method to lose weight."

After being delivered to the hospital, Mr. Li was diagnosed with excessive exercise caused by electrolyte disorders, and also induced excessive air exchange syndrome.

"Replenish him and maintain an electrolyte balance. After the relevant treatment, the patient's symptoms and diseases have been relieved." Said Liu Siyang, an emergency physician of the Yuelu Mountain District District of Hunan Provincial People's Hospital.

Doctors said that exercise convulsions may be related to insufficient warm -up, calcium deficiency, low sodium, and electrolyte disorders. Once they are unwell, they should stop exercise immediately. If the body is not relieved for a while, the condition still has not been eased or worsen, and you need to seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

Exercise must not only pursue the effect

It is also necessary to pay attention to physical recovery to ensure physical function

So how to eat and drink scientifically after exercise

How to do more reasonable and scientificly

Nutrition supplement after exercise

There are also many tricks

Proper hydration is important

Don't be cold and warm, refuse "sugar"

People with a large amount of exercise are prone to sweat. If they do not replenish the lost water in time, it will easily cause dehydration. Desertication will cause the body's physiological functions and exercise capabilities to decline. Essence

"Aerobic exercise for more than half an hour and no more than an hour, the water in the body will be lost about 0.5 kg. According to the requirements of 450 ml to about 700 ml per 0.5 kg, if a cup of water calculates 200 ml, it is about three cups of water, which is probably three cups Water. It is not recommended to drink special ice water, which will cause the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, including spasm that causes smooth muscles, and the normal temperature is fine. Do not choose drinks of carbonated and pure fruit juice, because it contains very high sugar, which has the effect of blood sugar fluctuations on the effect of blood sugar fluctuations. Very big. "Liang Tingting, the nutritionist in charge of the second affiliated hospital of Nanjing Medical University, also said that a large amount of potassium ions and sodium ions will be lost after exercise. Because there will be salt loss when sweating, you must choose sports drinks to supplement minerals, salt, vitamins,

The order of eating is exquisite

Diet should be reasonable

To better restore physical strength, "eating right" after exercise is critical. Replenishing nutrition in a timely and scientific manner not only helps to repair damaged muscles, but also benefits fat reduction and muscle increase.

"Add water first, then carbohydrate, and then add protein. During a meal, half of the plate is fruits and vegetables, so that vitamins and inorganic salts are added. High -quality protein, the proportion of matching this is more reasonable. "Liang Tingting, a nutritionist in charge of the second affiliated hospital of Nanjing Medical University, emphasized that while reducing fat, pay attention to the supplement of carbohydrates and protein, because carbohydrates can help the human body recover quickly. "Many girls say that carbohydrates cannot be eaten, and they are fat after eating. In fact, it is not important. Choosing the right type is very important. Choosing the right match is very important. You can choose some whole grains or coarse grains to account for one third of each day. "

Summer exercise

What suits you is the best

Senior nutritionist specially reminds that in summer, moderate exercise is critical.

"In the case of high temperature, especially the elderly and children are prone to heat stroke, and people who usually do not often exercise are also easy to heatstroke. It is necessary to take advantage of it and choose an outdoor ventilation environment. If it is indoors, the room temperature should not be too high, and the exercise time should not be too long. In the case of fully replenishing moisture, if the body feels uncomfortable, it should be stopped immediately. Exercise is originally promoting physical health. Do not lose money due to exercise. " Say.

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