Holding the baby in the wrong way can easily make the baby humpback, high and low shoulders, and quickly investigate. Parents who recruit must quickly change

Author:Fanma mother childcare Time:2022.09.25

Hello everyone, I am a meal mother ~

Outside the delivery room, when the nurse handed the newborn to the family members outside the door, most of the novice dads were happy, and the biggest feeling was "unable to start", I don't know how to hold the child.

Wan Wan's father is also such a "clumsy" novice father. Every time he sees him holding the baby, Wan Wan's heart will mention his throat, for fear that he will hurt the child.

For novice parents, don't think that the skill of "holding a baby" sounds simple, it is only individual work.

In fact, "holding a baby" is an out -of -the -box "technical work". The technical content is very high. Without experience, novice parents can easily "step on the thunder" and pit their children.

For example, some children have found problems such as humpback, high and low shoulders during the physical examination, which has a lot to do with the wrong way to hold a baby in the family.

On the weekend, Wan Wan's mother just bought the scene from the vegetable market and saw the scene of making herself "furious." Wan Wan's father was let Xiaowanwan, who was only in February, was sitting on his belly. The father and daughter were watching the show on the TV. Turn overcast ".

"How can you let the child sit? This will hurt her spine!" As soon as Wan Wan's mother entered the door, she couldn't help but "Hedong Lion Roar".

The father who was watching TV in Qinjin Taste, and was really frightened, and instinctively hugged Wan Wan. Xiao Wanwan, who has been sitting in the field of vision, has been very "dissatisfied" about the gesture of horizontal hug. He crying with a wow crying to show his "protest".

Like Dad Wanwan's father, many novice parents or older generations in the process of bringing their baby, they may use the wrong posture to "hold the baby" with a little bit of attention. Many times, even if the posture is wrong, everyone does not know.

You know, the incorrect way of hugging the baby is very harmful for the growth and development of the child. The following listed several common ways to hug the baby. Novice parents can compare themselves and check themselves to self -check for themselves and self -check themselves. Or check whether the family has a "recruitment" in the process of bringing the baby.

Novice parents don't use these wrong ways to hug the baby, be careful to let the baby hump back, high and low shoulders in the future

Hold the baby prematurely with the "sit -on -hug" method

First of all, holding a baby is a kind of physical work. As the child grows and develops, the weight gradually increases, and the baby will also consume the physical strength of the family. Many parents have found that as their children grow up, holding their children are getting more and more strenuous, and they will feel back pain without a long time. Therefore, they came up with a "lazy" way of holding a baby, that was the "sit -type hug".

Use this posture to hold the baby, adults can sit, let the baby sit on the adult. For adults, this way of holding a baby is very laborious. For babies, they can sit early, their vision is wide, and they are also very happy.

However, "sit -type hug" is not a gesture of both the two beautiful baby. For children under 5 months old, their spine has not yet developed, and sitting early will affect their spine development.

Generally speaking, it is recommended that parents wait until their children are full of 5-19 June, and then use the "sitting-hug" pose.

Hold the baby with a "waist stool hug" with a "waist stool" that does not meet the standard

In order to reduce the burden of parents with baby, many "artifacts" came into being. The waist stool is a childcare artifact that is loved by mothers.

The waist stool is like a small stool tied to the mother. The baby is sitting on it to "liberate" the mother's hands. Although the waist stool is very laborious, the use of the waist stool in incorrectly using the waist stool will be very harmful for the growth and development of the baby.

First of all, the waist stool is not suitable for children under half -year, because for children under half a year old, cervical and lumbar spine development is not complete. If the parents are allowed to sit on the waist stool prematurely, the child will have the possibility of damage to the cervical and lumbar spine, which will easily deform the spine, which is not conducive to the child's normal growth and development.

In addition, parents should pay more attention to the choice and correct use of the waist stool. The design of some waist stools is unreasonable, or that parents use incorrectly, which will cause some harm to the child's hip joint.

Design a reasonable waist stool. When the baby is sitting on it, it can effectively support the pressure of the baby's legs, so as to protect the baby's hip joint.

If parents choose a waist stool that does not meet the standard, or fails to use the waist stool correctly, the baby's thighs are suspended when they are sitting, and the leg pressure cannot be supported. Then, the baby may have the risk of hip dislocation and lower limb development.

I like to hug the baby in a "shaking hug" method

Generally speaking, the older generation likes to use the "shaking" method of holding a baby, especially when the child is troubled. This method of hugging the baby in the eyes of the older generation is actually wrong.

Although it is a good way to shake and hold a baby. If the baby can be fell asleep once you make such a shaking habit, the baby may continue to cry once it shakes. This way of holding a baby is not conducive to the habit of making children develop good autonomous falling asleep.

In addition, shaking this way is very risky for children. Because when holding a baby, the shaking intensity is too high and the frequency is too fast. It is easy to let the child vomit and other conditions. Severe children will also cause the child's brain tissue edema, increase the intracranial pressure, and affect the child's health.

Therefore, if parents like to "shake" or the elders in the family like to shake when they bring their baby, they must correct this wrong way to hug the baby in time.At the end

The skill of holding a baby seems simple, but it is actually very "particular".Many ways we think to save baby can actually cause some harm to children virtually.

If you want your child to avoid humpbacks, high and low shoulders, etc., if you want your child to have a tall posture when you grow up, parents must pay attention to the way of holding a baby from a young age, scientifically holding a baby.

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