China release 丨 US Congress Maji and others visited the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan: Challenge a Chinese principle and do not self -measure

Author:Chinese network Time:2022.08.15

Wang Wenbin said that the United States Senator Ma Ji and his party, regardless of China's serious negotiations and resolute opposition, insisted on visiting Taiwan, China, blatantly violated the three joint communiqué regulations of China and China and the United States, infringed on China's sovereignty and territorial integrity, and "Taiwan independence" to "Taiwan independence".Sending a serious error signal.

Wang Wenbin emphasized that a Chinese principle is the basic guidelines of the international community's general consensus and international relations, and it is also the political basis for the development of China and the United States to establish diplomatic relations with the relationship between the relationship between the relationship between China and the United States.Achieving China's unity is an unstoppable historical trend and is an indestructible will of the Chinese people.

Wang Wenbin said that China once again urged the United States to abide by a China Principles and the three joint communiqué regulations of China and the United States, carefully and properly handle Taiwan -related issues, and stop on the wrong road of blur, hollowing out, and distorting a Chinese principle.The United States relations and the stability of the Taiwan Strait and the stability of the Ping of the United States have caused further damage.China will take resolute and effective measures to defend national sovereignty and territorial integrity.A few US politicians and the "Taiwan independence" split forces have been angry, trying to challenge a Chinese principle, not self -measure, and doomed to fail.

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