Directly hit the Luding Earthquake Earthquake on the first night | Hailuogou Hotel owner: Everyone helps each other to help the elderly and children

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.06

Cover reporter Zhao Zijun Liu Yanjun (the picture is provided by the respondent)

At 12:52 on September 5th, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, Sichuan Province (29.6 degrees north latitude, 102.1 degrees east longitude), and the depth of the earthquake was 16 kilometers. According to the China Earthquake Network, the Sichuan Luding 6.8 earthquake is in the Hailuogou Glacier Forest Park. Townships in the 20 kilometers of the earthquake include Musician Town, Decai Town, and Yanzigou Town.

On the evening of September 5th, the cover reporter connected to the Shanghai Luogou Scenic Area Yuntu B & B and the person in charge of the Yintai Hotel, Mr. Yuan, told the incident.

Mr. Yuan is 36 years old and was from Chengdu, Sichuan. He had a soft outfit design with his wife in Chengdu before. In 2019, the two decided to come to Hailuogou to design their own homestays and set up a family. In October 2020, shortly after her daughter Yuan Xiaomei was born, Mr. Yuan took his parents together.

When the earthquake occurred, their family and employees were sleeping. "The sense of shock was too strong, and I couldn't run at all. I took our 1 -year -old daughter and ran into that toilet."

"Our hotel is a framework. At present, the damage is not serious, that is, the bottles and cans have broken a lot." After the earthquake, the two employees went home. "The house of the famous employees is directly razed to the ground, but fortunately people come out."

Mr. Yuan introduced that due to the scenic area and the impact of the epidemic, the number of tourists decreased, and the supplies were sufficient. He bought a lot of instant noodles. Tonight, Mr. Yuan and his wife and daughter slept in the car, and his parents slept on the square.

After the earthquake, firefighters and armed police officers and soldiers rushed to the scene for the first time. "They are still coordinating personnel, healing patients, and tents on the square. Many rescuers have entered the mountains. Some tourists are still in the Hailuogou Scenic Area. They don't know their situation."

"At present, Moxi Town is in a state of water -breaking power. Only on the square, you can charge the mobile phone with the generator." Mr. Yuan introduced that on the square, everyone is actively launched self -rescue measures. "Free milk and water are posted on the square. Everyone is also helping each other. Many people take out their liquefied gas tanks for the first time, and they also move the materials at home and make large pots of rice. The vehicles are given to the vehicles. Those elderly people and children, young people are basically outside. "

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