China Tong Shanghai Engineering Bureau fully guarantees the safe operation of Shanghai rail transit

Author:Huaihua People's Broadcasting Time:2022.09.06

In the summer, the high temperature "heat waves" in Shanghai are still continuing, and there are often severe weather such as typhoons and heavy rain, which has challenged the safe operation of rail transit and passenger travel in Shanghai. In order to ensure the safety of rail transit operation during high temperature, the Shanghai Branch of Shanghai Engineering Bureau's maintenance project department held a special meeting to actively deploy it, strictly implement the level -by -level contracting responsibility and inspections on duty. "Special safety rectification activities for high temperature protection operations" and resolutely maintain operational safety work during the flood season and high temperature weather.

Party and group linkage, compact responsibility to keep operations

Under the leadership of the Pioneer of the Party Member, strictly implement various measures to prevent heat and cool down, and continue to strengthen the monitoring and early warning of line equipment for various types of emergencies in the high temperature season, strictly prevent storms, typhoons, and high temperatures. Sharing and joint defense linkage, comprehensively conduct investigation and special rectification of hidden safety hazards, and escort the safety operations of Shanghai Metro.

Prepare the war in an all -round way, take multiple measures and keep the safety

In order to fully prepare for the comprehensive period of high temperature and flood prevention, the maintenance department of the Shanghai Branch deployed in advance, conduct a comprehensive inspection according to the current maintenance of various lines, and make a good job of querying the leakage of the computer room, the strict monitoring of the status of the equipment, and the calculation of material reserves. Successive preparation. Based on the maintenance of the communication, signals, and AFC teams of various lines to conduct on -site exploration of key stations and key equipment in the maintenance line in advance, strengthen the safety precautions on the influence of the influence of the lines, ensure the safety and normal operation of the equipment, and reduce the cause in an all -round way. Various adverse effects caused by equipment failure.

Reasonable deployment, prevent drill building barrier barrier

In order to better cope with various types of emergencies, the project department and the owners and brother units have jointly carried out various drills such as safety failure exercises, fire drills and other types of drills to further exchang and cooperate with the efficiency of cooperation. The emergency treatment system of Point Support "Species" has built a safety defense line for the safe operation of Shanghai rail transit.

Fight on the front line, face the cool heat and send cool heat

Shanghai Branch attaches great importance to the health and safety status of front -line employees, actively carry out various types of visiting and condolences, sending employees to various summer cool products and care and condolences, and timely sending the care and care of the party committee and trade union of the Shanghai Engineering Bureau to the grassroots project department And tell all the staff to pay attention to personal heat prevention, to combine work and rest, and ensure their physical and mental health.

At present, the Ministry of Maintenance is strictly implementing various deployment requirements, and striving for the front line of maintaining and ensuring. Will go all out to contribute to Shanghai's rail traffic safety operations and passengers' safety travel for not being afraid of difficulties and difficulties!

(China Tongzhong Shanghai Engineering Bureau Chen Zhenyu Peng Xinquan)

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