"Dedication of a love, contributing a force" Sichuan Sichuan Sports Lottery donated 400,000 yuan to the "9 · 5" Luding earthquake -stricken area

Author:Cover news Time:2022.09.10

Cover reporter Yang Yueyue

At 12:52 on September 5, a magnitude 6.8 earthquake occurred in Luding County, Ganzi Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Sichuan Province. The earthquake was deeply affected, with a wide range of disasters, especially in Luding County, Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture, and Asanian County, Ya'an City.

The earthquake is ruthless and loves the world. People from all walks of life in the disaster areas, the people actively extend their help. "Public welfare body lottery, responsibility is first". On September 9, the Party Branch of the Sichuan Sports Lottery Management Center launched the "Dedication of Love and Contributing to the All -in -laws and Employees of the Provincial Sports Lottery System -" "Proposal to the Luding Earthquake Disaster Area" proposed that all employees extended their hands to help the affected compatriots through the difficulties and rebuild their homes. On the same day, the Sichuan Provincial Sports Lottery Management Center "Donation of Donating the Luding Earthquake Disaster Area in Sichuan‘ 9.5 ’Luding Earthquake District was held in Luding County and Ashami Prefecture.

According to the relevant person in charge of the Sichuan Sports Lottery Center, Sichuan Sports Lottery talks about politics, development, benefiting the people's livelihood, preventing risks, and security, and strives to build sports lottery tickets into a public welfare responsibility platform recognized by the party and the masses to meet the needs of the people. In order to fulfill social responsibility and help earthquake relief, the provincial center decided to donate 200,000 yuan to the earthquake and Ya'an asbestos to the earthquake, respectively. Production and living order. At the same time, Sports Lottery employees responded to the initiative to collect and summarize more than 30,000 yuan of personal donations, and will also be used to support earthquake relief as soon as possible.

"A difficult one, P Plus support"

The heart of the heart of the disaster area is hard to get together

Cover reporters learned that the donation of earthquake relief was signed a targeted donation agreement with the Red Cross Society of Luding County and the Red Cross Society of the Luding County, respectively.

Donate to Luding County, Ganzi Prefecture

Donate to Ya'an City City

Yang Jie, head of Sichuan Sports Cai Ganzi Branch, said: "Faced with this earthquake disaster, the rescue forces of all parties across the country quickly assembled. On the morning of the 9th, he was commissioned by the provincial center and donated 200,000 yuan to the Red Cross of Luding County. The employees and practitioners of Ganzi Lottery also actively fulfilled the original intention and responsibility of the public welfare of the sports lottery. A number of living materials such as water are transported to the donation point. This year from the anti -hitting new crown epidemic to the Luding earthquake to fight earthquake relief, there are always some 'the most brave people'. The dangerous 'Warriors' knocking on the heart of people, I believe that we will be able to fight the hard battle of earthquake relief. "

Wu Liang, the person in charge of the Sichuan Sports Cai Ya'an Branch, also introduced: "The earthquake brought huge trauma and pain to compatriots in Luding County and asbestos County! The disaster suddenly shocked everyone's heart! The traditional virtues of our Chinese nation dedicate love to the people in the disaster area, consolidate people's heart strength, and help them spend difficulties. The willingness to donaters will timely allocate funds to relevant departments for the construction of sports facilities and stadiums in the post -disaster reconstruction of Ashamine County. "

Moving donation supplies

"Come to the people, use it to the people"

The new era of the new era of Sichuan rural rejuvenation

It is reported that the Sichuan Provincial Sports Lottery Management Center will continue to carry out the theme activities of "micr -ray action" such as "Public Welfare Sports Lottery" and other public welfare booms, which mainly supplements sports education resources including underdeveloped areas such as disaster areas. For the affected people in the disaster area, the Provincial Sports Center also hopes that the people in the disaster area will resume reconstruction at an early date.

Sichuan body colorful planting is the nostalgia of the people, keep in mind the positioning of the national public welfare lottery, adhere to the people -centered development idea, keep up with the national development pace, promote the coordinated development of Sichuan -Chongqing sports lottery, actively integrate into the construction of the Shuangcheng economic circle in Chengdu, and continue to be the countryside Revitalize and empowerment, and compose a new chapter in the revitalization of rural rejuvenation in the new era. In the journey of improving the well -being of the people's livelihood and practicing the original mission, Sichuan Sports Cai is struggling, and he has made a positive contribution to the development of Sichuan sports. In the future, Sichuan Sports Lottery will continue to adhere to the purpose of "coming to the people, using it to the people", and contribute to the strong power of the construction of a strong province of sports.

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